Elder Call

Elder Call
Off to the MTC

Monday, May 24, 2010

Basketball as a teaching tool.....

Hey Everyone,

Another transfer down in the books. Today we got transfer information. I'm not going anywhere, neither will I leave anytime soon. Our zone is getting changed up a lot though. Every campus companionship is getting moved around. That means that Elder Tew and I get to shuttle everyone around on transfer day. We have to pick up Elder's Brian, Buticofer and Bond's stuff so that they can put in on the transfer van. Then the next morning we will pick up everyone and take them to transfer spots. I feel like a dad getting everyone ready for the big trip, but I don't get to go. I just have to pack up everything and take them to their destination. It's going to be a hectic day.
I meant to send the camera home these last couple of weeks, but I've been lazy. Sorry. I will send it with the card this week. I promise. I will go get a new camera, maybe you can fix mine and give it to Megan or Shannon. I do need to take more pictures. Not a lot happened this transfer, but it still would have been nice to have some pictures.
This week has been a very short one. We have done a lot of service lately. It's been great. On Friday we went to Loretta's house to help her paint. She is friends with the Matkin family. Bishop Matkin is our bishop in 4th ward. We go over every Saturday to help work on her house. It's really old. They use limestone as bricks for the outside wall. It's not the sturdiest foundation. The inside is falling apart too, but they have been working on it for years. It does look very nice and has a lot of potential. Loretta home schools her kids. That takes up most of her time and makes it hard to work on her house. Sis Matkin called us and told us to go over and help. It gives us an opportunity to serve and she can ask questions while we work. It's been great so far.
Saturday we did some more service. We went to a garden in downtown Tallahassee to pull weeds. Two Senior Sister missionaries invited us to help them with other volunteers. It was pretty boring, but after we got to go look at the art exhibit. There was a crazy painting called 'The Preacher'. It was a black preacher with hair going everywhere, and what looked like condemning someone. Maybe the on lookers. It was nuts.
After service we went to play basketball in the park. We found this place to play by the Ronald McDonald House. We've been by a couple times, and the guys there are getting to know us better. We're getting to know them better too. We play for about two hours, talk to the guys and almost every time the church comes up. So by the end of basketball we're telling them about our mission and they're telling us about how they got shot at and almost got killed. One guy, DC, asks us every time we're there. "Have you ever been shot at? It'll change your life. You won't sin anymore." I don't know how accurate his statement is, but he sticks with it nonetheless. I wear the BYU shirt that Kristen gave me for my birthday. It also brings up good conversations. This week was kind of like a Utah tribute. Chris, one of the players, claims that he doesn't play flashy, instead he plays like John Stockton. Solid and basic. DC, after losing a battle with me under the rim, called me a cougar and said something about Jimmer Fredette. (SP?) It was great to hear some Utah references. Basketball is a great way to talk to people. I beat them on the dribble, then tell them I'm from Utah. It's like a double confused look.
We taught Phil on Saturday too. We shared a couple of scriptures and got on the topic of "giving everything to God". He told us the story of Job and how that has happened to him about 3 times. We asked him if he could do it now? He said "yes". We continued and shared with him the story of the King of the Lamanites, who would "give away all my sins to know thee". We again asked Phil if he would give everything to God. "Yes", he said again, gaining a little more confidence. "Will you give up your time, energy and effort to come to church and worship God." He wasn't ready for that. It's a lot easier to say "I will give up everything" rather than "I will do everything". Giving up is passive and usually is confused with Laziness. Patience and Enduring Well does not include laziness. Work is the difference. You can lose everything, but will you work to get it back. Like Job. Will you do everything you can to get it all back? Keep the commandments, love your neighbor, pray, read, go to church, etc. Phil said "yes", and we told him he would be blessed. That Sunday, Phil didn't come to church. No work, no blessings.
It's sad to see, but it happens a lot. The more I'm out here the more I see myself doing that in high school and college. Sad Memories. It does help to have these two years to get everything back together. I continue to remember the words of my parents. Its surprising how much I remember when I'm out here. I'm grateful to you mom and dad, for everything that you have given me, everything that you have shown and taught me, and everything that you will continue to show me. It's the best blessing to have. A happy home.
I love all of you,
Elder Call

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