To Da' Boys,
What a thrill ride it’s been while we've all been on our missions. My time is now up and its time to go home. Nate and Cameron are right behind me too. It has been an incredible journey and as I look back on it all I can do is wonder.
This last week on my mission has been by far the best. We went out Tuesday to try and find some less actives and new people to teach. It was so hot that the Walgreens thermometer broke and it said 501 degrees! It was miserable and we were out on feet the whole time. A wonderful lady did accept a Book of Mormon and gave us a bottle of water. The next day my companion wasn't feeling well and threw-up that night. We took it easy for one more day because he was sick and it was 105 degrees, for real. The next day we had plenty of appointments and we were trying to get everything ready for Saturday. Bobby Cook was going to get baptized in Bone Creek in Holt, FL. We have been teaching Bobby in the Anderson's home for a while and it was finally time for him to get baptized.
While we were out visiting a less-active family we got an unexpected call. It was from CK Ryan. I talked with him and he thanked me for being there to teach him. He asked when I go home and I said, "Next week." (Can't help but smile when you say that). He thought for a moment and then said humbly, "Will you baptize me this Sunday?" I was blown away! I knew that CK was very stern in his decisions. We tried to teach and invite, but it was all up to him. He came to church on his own, he came to us when he was ready to begin the missionary discussions, and now he was coming to me to baptize him. I was so happy I didn't know what to say. Of course I said yes, but I was so surprised I really didn't know what to think, say, or do. I told him we would get everything ready.
The next 48 hours became very hectic because we now had two baptisms to plan for. We called our bishop and he told us Saturday would be best. So with a couple of phone calls and a mass e-mail to all of the ward members, we had two baptisms on Saturday. The morning baptism was beautiful and the water in the creek was warm. (I'm in Florida, everything is warm) We had a little service with a few of the members from Crestview and the missionaries from there too. Bobby was so happy to be baptized and his non-member mother was there too. The Anderson's, especially Brother Anderson was so excited. On our way home he asked if I would call President Jensen. He left a message thanking him for letting us be there. I was humbled.
That evening we did some more scrambling to get ready for CK's Baptism. He needed clothes, an interview, and a program with speakers, and all of these just hours before he was to get baptized. It was a wonderful experience as I relied on others and my Father in Heaven. I know I forgot something on that Saturday that He was willing to make up for. I couldn't even remember how the baptismal prayers went until I began to say their name. While I was in the font with CK. Everyone was their looking at him and supporting him. He couldn't take it anymore, and broke down for a minute. We just sat there as he cried. The spirit finally entered into his heart because he was willing to let it in. Never before had CK shown emotion like that in our lesson, but there the spirit wouldn't let him hold it in any more. He got a hold of himself and we moved forward. CK is now a member of the ward and I believe is planning on proposing to Sis Peart soon. Exciting!!
I Love you Guys,
Elder Call
Elder Call
Off to the MTC
Monday, June 6, 2011
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
One Full Week Left................................
Hey Everyone,
It has been a wonderful week. Last Monday Bishop Pearce took us to play golf in Sandestin. It was wonderful and difficult as its been two years since I've played. Then yesterday I got fried because we spent most of the day at the beach. We took a grill with us and had hamburgers on the beach. Elder North and I played smash ball, but we didn't get as far as Dad and Megan did. Our rally's were only in the twenties or so, but it was still fun. I am sunburned from head to toe. Well everything that was exposed to the sun. It was probably my last day at the beach. Next Monday Bro Johnson is taking us to the Air Museum on Eglin Air Force Base. That will be great too.
This week has been wonderful. We taught Cynthia, a friend of Bro Simmons, the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It was a wonderful lesson and she had so many questions. Deep questions that we let Bro Simmons answer. He is a professor at the local college and even studied Hebrew, so we differ to him a lot. Anyways, Cynthia came to church this week too. It was hilarious. She pulled up with Bro Simmons and had a mug of coffee in her hand. We smiled and welcomed her in. Bro Simmons and Cynthia sat close to the front. Both speakers got up and spoke on a great topic, the Word of Wisdom. We haven't gotten that far with Cynthia in the lessons, but she knew about it already. So both speakers spoke on the Word of Wisdom, Cynthia got up and left for a while, but them came back. We realized that she went out to smoke. hahaha. Bad day for Cynthia. She had all sorts of questions for us the next day. Soda was her big attack, but there was other things that were really bothering her. We talked to her and by the end we were on good terms, but didn't really get anywhere.
CK is another great story. It involves a lot. Like how CK is awesome and how the spirit can really lead you. The Pearts had invited us over to eat dinner with them. CK had bought massive steaks. My piece was the left side of the cow and Elder North's was the right. They were huge!! and delicious. After dinner we invited Bro O'Brian to come teach with us. We weren't sure exactly what we were going to teach, although we knew it would be a Commandment. As I looked at the list I saw that the word of wisdom was on it and that's what we taught. It was perfect because that is Bro O'Brian's favourite topic. He had decided early to follow the word or wisdom. And I mean early! At 13 he decided to follow it and he even took it a step further. To him, the word of wisdom said no caffeine. He doesn't push it on anyone, but he hasn't eaten chocolate since he found out that it had a fair amount of caffeine. That was when he was 13. He is also a doctor and when others were breaking down to Mt Dew and Coke for caffeine during residency, he wouldn't touch it. Just an amazing story. He provided some great points for us as we taught CK. The best part though, was the next day was Sunday and the topic was the word of wisdom. hahaha. Everyone was getting pounded! He looked so surprised and asked us if we knew that it was going to be the word of wisdom. We told him no, because it was the truth. We had no idea what the topic was going to be on, it just worked itself out that way. There are no accidents. It was wonderful.
Niceville is great and it is super hot and sunny. I have the best farmer's tan you could get. ;)
I love ya'll and I'm praying for you too.
Elder Call
It has been a wonderful week. Last Monday Bishop Pearce took us to play golf in Sandestin. It was wonderful and difficult as its been two years since I've played. Then yesterday I got fried because we spent most of the day at the beach. We took a grill with us and had hamburgers on the beach. Elder North and I played smash ball, but we didn't get as far as Dad and Megan did. Our rally's were only in the twenties or so, but it was still fun. I am sunburned from head to toe. Well everything that was exposed to the sun. It was probably my last day at the beach. Next Monday Bro Johnson is taking us to the Air Museum on Eglin Air Force Base. That will be great too.
This week has been wonderful. We taught Cynthia, a friend of Bro Simmons, the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It was a wonderful lesson and she had so many questions. Deep questions that we let Bro Simmons answer. He is a professor at the local college and even studied Hebrew, so we differ to him a lot. Anyways, Cynthia came to church this week too. It was hilarious. She pulled up with Bro Simmons and had a mug of coffee in her hand. We smiled and welcomed her in. Bro Simmons and Cynthia sat close to the front. Both speakers got up and spoke on a great topic, the Word of Wisdom. We haven't gotten that far with Cynthia in the lessons, but she knew about it already. So both speakers spoke on the Word of Wisdom, Cynthia got up and left for a while, but them came back. We realized that she went out to smoke. hahaha. Bad day for Cynthia. She had all sorts of questions for us the next day. Soda was her big attack, but there was other things that were really bothering her. We talked to her and by the end we were on good terms, but didn't really get anywhere.
CK is another great story. It involves a lot. Like how CK is awesome and how the spirit can really lead you. The Pearts had invited us over to eat dinner with them. CK had bought massive steaks. My piece was the left side of the cow and Elder North's was the right. They were huge!! and delicious. After dinner we invited Bro O'Brian to come teach with us. We weren't sure exactly what we were going to teach, although we knew it would be a Commandment. As I looked at the list I saw that the word of wisdom was on it and that's what we taught. It was perfect because that is Bro O'Brian's favourite topic. He had decided early to follow the word or wisdom. And I mean early! At 13 he decided to follow it and he even took it a step further. To him, the word of wisdom said no caffeine. He doesn't push it on anyone, but he hasn't eaten chocolate since he found out that it had a fair amount of caffeine. That was when he was 13. He is also a doctor and when others were breaking down to Mt Dew and Coke for caffeine during residency, he wouldn't touch it. Just an amazing story. He provided some great points for us as we taught CK. The best part though, was the next day was Sunday and the topic was the word of wisdom. hahaha. Everyone was getting pounded! He looked so surprised and asked us if we knew that it was going to be the word of wisdom. We told him no, because it was the truth. We had no idea what the topic was going to be on, it just worked itself out that way. There are no accidents. It was wonderful.
Niceville is great and it is super hot and sunny. I have the best farmer's tan you could get. ;)
I love ya'll and I'm praying for you too.
Elder Call
Monday, May 23, 2011
Hello Everyone,
Mom, I'm sorry that all you're getting is rain. All we get here is sun. We haven't had a rainy day in about a month. Just a whole lot of sun. Last week was great because a little cold front came through and dropped everything to about 75 degrees, but now its back up. Yesterday it was 95. The summer months are coming quickly.
Well I have many stories for you guys. Like how we won our softball game; Bobby Cook is going to be baptized in the Blackwater River on June 4; we've been teaching a girl named Cynthia and its been going well; Marshall got married; Ck is really thinking about baptism; we went to Niceville graduation Thursday night because Alisha Cain and Kelsea Mol graduated; we taught a False Prophet (not even kidding) named BJ; saw the Beyers (a family from Tally) at the soccer fields because their kids were all in a tourney here; had a great time with the Coopers last night; and today we're going to play golf with Bishop Pearce at the Sandestin Resort. It has been a wonderful week full of exciting twist.
We taught CK on Monday. CK is doing wonderful and after we taught about tithing and fast offerings he was excited to pay them. The Zone Leaders from Crestview came with us to teach Bobby Cook on Tuesday. Bobby is getting ready for baptism. Bobby has changed almost as much as the Andersson's. The family whose home we teach in. Cynthia is a friend of Bro Simmons and we taught her on Wednesday. She grew up going to school at Rocky Bayou Christian School. There they showed an Anti-Mormon video. She had a lot of questions. All in all these three are moving forward in their own way. Bobby is the fastest with his baptism soon. I hope that CK is right behind him.
Alisha and Kelsea both graduated on Thursday. We went to the graduation and walked around talking to people afterward. It was great and I was surprised at how many people we new. Members and non-members. (I sent Brennan his letter. I finally found the address and put it in the mail. A few hours later I got his announcement :) They were both excited to graduate and so were their leaders. Bro O'Malley, Sis Hendricks, and Sis Perez deserve most of the credit here. They spent countless hours with these youth trying to prepare them for graduation. Kelsea and Alisha had a lot to do and Sis Perez worked with them the whole way through. Lots of blessings for here family are definitely in store.
Saturday was our most exciting day. Marshall got married. We didn't get to go, but we talked with him and his new bride last night. They are good together, but will have their struggles. She is going back to Colorado until he finishes school. Tough. We couldn't really go to Marshall's wedding because we were teaching BJ. A false prophet. We taught him last week and after teaching the restoration set up another time to come back. We came back and he had gone through a lot. With our first meeting he was shy and unsure. Now he is solid, but I'm not sure in what yet. Here is what he told us that happened since we saw him last.
He felt on fire for God and his head kept turning as he was thinking.
That night he read from the Bible with his wife and felt great, but he did not read the Book of Mormon.
Began talking to people about Christ and asking if they knew that he loved them.
Began going house to house talking about Christ.
-not to bad right? Well...-
Cop came, picked him up and took him to a psychiatric ward.
Talked to the cop the whole time about the bible.
At the psychiatric ward he met a man he already knew from prison years ago. Found that this man was sick, slapped him on the back and commanded him to be healed. The man was going to the hospital for 'swelling of the brain' and came back with a sunburn.
Got out of the psychiatric ward earlier than he should have.
Went to his friends car shop, drew a line in the ground and began to call people out saying, "Who's on the Lords side?" Yelled a few more things condemning the the wicked and after, felt 'Like he shook America"
He felt like his families sins were covered because of his faith in Christ. He, or his family, can do whatever they want; drink, smoke, yell, fight, etc; and it doesn't matter because of his faith in Christ.
Laid in his kitchen floor and spoke in tongues.
Wife came home drunk and all he did was "kiss on her and love her".
Hasn't slept in I think 3 or 4 days because he feels like the spirit of Christ is in him.
At one point said "I feel like God"
Has bills to pay, but isn't working nor does he care because, "God will take care of him"
Told us that he fears for our salvation because we read the Book of Mormon. When he tried to read the Book of Mormon it felt "Oily" to him.
After our lesson he left his home and went house to house in his neighborhood trying to give people a book on prayer.
It was a really weird conversation. He spoke for an hour and a half with no breaks. Elder North and I just sat their. We weren't in danger or anything, but just in aw about how quickly someone can go the wrong way. This was all in a week. Just one week before he had invited us over and we taught him the restoration. Now he is trying to convert us. The problem is I don't know what I'm supposed to be converted to. He is not part of a religion, he's just a "Warrior for God". He is weird and we don't plan on going back, but he plays basketball with us, so we'll see him again.
After that wonderful experience we walked around and saw a lot of people at the ball fields. We went over to check them out and it was a soccer tournament. We were just walking in between fields when a young black kid came up to us and said, "I hear you guys worship the devil?" I just had to laugh, he did too and told us that Traci Beyer told him to say that to us. It was Cocoa and he is the Godson of the Beyers. Gabe was playing a soccer game and we went and sat with Sis Beyer. Bro Beyer showed up later with Jessica, but I never saw Tyler. He was playing in Destin. Can you imagine mom? Three kids in a one tournament? That's a lot of games in one weekend. We talked and caught up with them. It was fun to hear about how Tallahassee is doing.
That was my week. It was full of fun. This week will be great too, mostly because I get to start out golfing. I'm going to do horrible, but it'll be fun.
Love Elder Call
Mom, I'm sorry that all you're getting is rain. All we get here is sun. We haven't had a rainy day in about a month. Just a whole lot of sun. Last week was great because a little cold front came through and dropped everything to about 75 degrees, but now its back up. Yesterday it was 95. The summer months are coming quickly.
Well I have many stories for you guys. Like how we won our softball game; Bobby Cook is going to be baptized in the Blackwater River on June 4; we've been teaching a girl named Cynthia and its been going well; Marshall got married; Ck is really thinking about baptism; we went to Niceville graduation Thursday night because Alisha Cain and Kelsea Mol graduated; we taught a False Prophet (not even kidding) named BJ; saw the Beyers (a family from Tally) at the soccer fields because their kids were all in a tourney here; had a great time with the Coopers last night; and today we're going to play golf with Bishop Pearce at the Sandestin Resort. It has been a wonderful week full of exciting twist.
We taught CK on Monday. CK is doing wonderful and after we taught about tithing and fast offerings he was excited to pay them. The Zone Leaders from Crestview came with us to teach Bobby Cook on Tuesday. Bobby is getting ready for baptism. Bobby has changed almost as much as the Andersson's. The family whose home we teach in. Cynthia is a friend of Bro Simmons and we taught her on Wednesday. She grew up going to school at Rocky Bayou Christian School. There they showed an Anti-Mormon video. She had a lot of questions. All in all these three are moving forward in their own way. Bobby is the fastest with his baptism soon. I hope that CK is right behind him.
Alisha and Kelsea both graduated on Thursday. We went to the graduation and walked around talking to people afterward. It was great and I was surprised at how many people we new. Members and non-members. (I sent Brennan his letter. I finally found the address and put it in the mail. A few hours later I got his announcement :) They were both excited to graduate and so were their leaders. Bro O'Malley, Sis Hendricks, and Sis Perez deserve most of the credit here. They spent countless hours with these youth trying to prepare them for graduation. Kelsea and Alisha had a lot to do and Sis Perez worked with them the whole way through. Lots of blessings for here family are definitely in store.
Saturday was our most exciting day. Marshall got married. We didn't get to go, but we talked with him and his new bride last night. They are good together, but will have their struggles. She is going back to Colorado until he finishes school. Tough. We couldn't really go to Marshall's wedding because we were teaching BJ. A false prophet. We taught him last week and after teaching the restoration set up another time to come back. We came back and he had gone through a lot. With our first meeting he was shy and unsure. Now he is solid, but I'm not sure in what yet. Here is what he told us that happened since we saw him last.
He felt on fire for God and his head kept turning as he was thinking.
That night he read from the Bible with his wife and felt great, but he did not read the Book of Mormon.
Began talking to people about Christ and asking if they knew that he loved them.
Began going house to house talking about Christ.
-not to bad right? Well...-
Cop came, picked him up and took him to a psychiatric ward.
Talked to the cop the whole time about the bible.
At the psychiatric ward he met a man he already knew from prison years ago. Found that this man was sick, slapped him on the back and commanded him to be healed. The man was going to the hospital for 'swelling of the brain' and came back with a sunburn.
Got out of the psychiatric ward earlier than he should have.
Went to his friends car shop, drew a line in the ground and began to call people out saying, "Who's on the Lords side?" Yelled a few more things condemning the the wicked and after, felt 'Like he shook America"
He felt like his families sins were covered because of his faith in Christ. He, or his family, can do whatever they want; drink, smoke, yell, fight, etc; and it doesn't matter because of his faith in Christ.
Laid in his kitchen floor and spoke in tongues.
Wife came home drunk and all he did was "kiss on her and love her".
Hasn't slept in I think 3 or 4 days because he feels like the spirit of Christ is in him.
At one point said "I feel like God"
Has bills to pay, but isn't working nor does he care because, "God will take care of him"
Told us that he fears for our salvation because we read the Book of Mormon. When he tried to read the Book of Mormon it felt "Oily" to him.
After our lesson he left his home and went house to house in his neighborhood trying to give people a book on prayer.
It was a really weird conversation. He spoke for an hour and a half with no breaks. Elder North and I just sat their. We weren't in danger or anything, but just in aw about how quickly someone can go the wrong way. This was all in a week. Just one week before he had invited us over and we taught him the restoration. Now he is trying to convert us. The problem is I don't know what I'm supposed to be converted to. He is not part of a religion, he's just a "Warrior for God". He is weird and we don't plan on going back, but he plays basketball with us, so we'll see him again.
After that wonderful experience we walked around and saw a lot of people at the ball fields. We went over to check them out and it was a soccer tournament. We were just walking in between fields when a young black kid came up to us and said, "I hear you guys worship the devil?" I just had to laugh, he did too and told us that Traci Beyer told him to say that to us. It was Cocoa and he is the Godson of the Beyers. Gabe was playing a soccer game and we went and sat with Sis Beyer. Bro Beyer showed up later with Jessica, but I never saw Tyler. He was playing in Destin. Can you imagine mom? Three kids in a one tournament? That's a lot of games in one weekend. We talked and caught up with them. It was fun to hear about how Tallahassee is doing.
That was my week. It was full of fun. This week will be great too, mostly because I get to start out golfing. I'm going to do horrible, but it'll be fun.
Love Elder Call
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
School's out?!?!?!?
Hello friends,
I figured that Kristen was out of school. The Grigg family just got bigger here in Niceville. So did the Conger family as they all come home from school. They all went to BYU to and are done and back home for the summer. Tyson Grigg was surprised to see that I was still here in Niceville. If there is anything that is making me more and more trunkie is people getting out of school or getting close. Niceville High School's graduation is the 19th. It is getting really, really close. This wednesday will also be the start of one last transfer. Sixteen down, one more to go.
I'm am excited to call home. My last phone call home will be almost a month exactly before I come home. Cool. I hope Erik and Tim are really good at Frisbee, because I've been practicing. They play Frisbee here a lot, and they are crazy good.
We have had a wonderful week. Absolutely fantastic. To begin, we had our lesson with CK Ryan on Monday. We had it at the Hendricks home and it was perfect. We taught the Plan of Salvation and just moved right through it. CK had questions, Bro Hendricks had answers, and Elder North and I just sat there while they taught themselves. It was wonderful. Later in the week we taught CK again, but this time in the Peart's home. We asked Aaron and Chris, both deacons in the ward, to help us teach. Aaron is Sis Peart's son and Chris is their neighbor. Both did a wonderful job as we taught the Gospel of Jesus Christ. They both brought a humble spirit knowing that 12 year old boys can teach the gospel too. It really set the stage for the lesson and we taught CK. He understands baptism, but feels like he's not ready for it yet. He wants to be sure. He said the same thing about going to church, but do you know what he said after going to church? "I should of done this a long time ago." That same comment will be made when he gets baptized.
Marshall Anthony is next on our list. We met him on Tuesday and told him we were going to teach the Plan of Salvation. Almost immediately he jumped up and said, "I got this." He went to the chalk board and drew the whole thing out right there. It made teaching it really easy. We called him later that week to set up another appointment, but we had some trouble. You see, Marshall's two best friends from home just passed away. He told us a little bit about them. Only a week ago, he got a call from them saying that they both had gone to Palmyra, NY. Neither are members, but they went to visit and had all sorts of stories to tell Marshall. They even referred themselves to the missionaries. They were telling all of this to Marshall and in his mind all he could think of was, "They're going to get baptized too." Well, a week after the phone call, both of them pass away. He went up to New York for the viewing. He said that it was really difficult and that he feels like Job. However, he is still moving forward and knows that this gospel is true. On a happy note. Marshall will be going to Utah to visit his sister. She is a member and has been helping Marshall out. I gave him your contact info, so don't be surprised if he calls you. ;)
Third and last. We met a guy named Bobby. Bobby Cook. He was a Highway Patrol man, but got in an accident. He was in the Ft Walton Hospital and met the missionaries. A week later we got a call from some members saying that he is interested in learning about the gospel. So we went the the Andersson's home and met Bobby. He was so interested that after our lesson on Thursday, we had one on Friday, another on Saturday, and he came to church with us on Sunday. He is originally from Holt, FL, which is in Crestview's area, but because he is living with the Andersson's for the time being we are teaching him. Missionary work is definitely a team effort. Ft Walton found him, we're teaching him, and Crestview will baptize him. Cool huh? Anyway's when we taught on Saturday we invited him to be baptized, he said yes. He will be baptized on May 28, just before I come home.
That is our life here in Niceville. On a cool side note, we play basketball in the mornings for exercise, softball at night for contacting, ultimate Frisbee to work with less actives, and we talk about the NBA playoffs to get into a part members home. I love serving a mission. ;)
Love Elder Call
I figured that Kristen was out of school. The Grigg family just got bigger here in Niceville. So did the Conger family as they all come home from school. They all went to BYU to and are done and back home for the summer. Tyson Grigg was surprised to see that I was still here in Niceville. If there is anything that is making me more and more trunkie is people getting out of school or getting close. Niceville High School's graduation is the 19th. It is getting really, really close. This wednesday will also be the start of one last transfer. Sixteen down, one more to go.
I'm am excited to call home. My last phone call home will be almost a month exactly before I come home. Cool. I hope Erik and Tim are really good at Frisbee, because I've been practicing. They play Frisbee here a lot, and they are crazy good.
We have had a wonderful week. Absolutely fantastic. To begin, we had our lesson with CK Ryan on Monday. We had it at the Hendricks home and it was perfect. We taught the Plan of Salvation and just moved right through it. CK had questions, Bro Hendricks had answers, and Elder North and I just sat there while they taught themselves. It was wonderful. Later in the week we taught CK again, but this time in the Peart's home. We asked Aaron and Chris, both deacons in the ward, to help us teach. Aaron is Sis Peart's son and Chris is their neighbor. Both did a wonderful job as we taught the Gospel of Jesus Christ. They both brought a humble spirit knowing that 12 year old boys can teach the gospel too. It really set the stage for the lesson and we taught CK. He understands baptism, but feels like he's not ready for it yet. He wants to be sure. He said the same thing about going to church, but do you know what he said after going to church? "I should of done this a long time ago." That same comment will be made when he gets baptized.
Marshall Anthony is next on our list. We met him on Tuesday and told him we were going to teach the Plan of Salvation. Almost immediately he jumped up and said, "I got this." He went to the chalk board and drew the whole thing out right there. It made teaching it really easy. We called him later that week to set up another appointment, but we had some trouble. You see, Marshall's two best friends from home just passed away. He told us a little bit about them. Only a week ago, he got a call from them saying that they both had gone to Palmyra, NY. Neither are members, but they went to visit and had all sorts of stories to tell Marshall. They even referred themselves to the missionaries. They were telling all of this to Marshall and in his mind all he could think of was, "They're going to get baptized too." Well, a week after the phone call, both of them pass away. He went up to New York for the viewing. He said that it was really difficult and that he feels like Job. However, he is still moving forward and knows that this gospel is true. On a happy note. Marshall will be going to Utah to visit his sister. She is a member and has been helping Marshall out. I gave him your contact info, so don't be surprised if he calls you. ;)
Third and last. We met a guy named Bobby. Bobby Cook. He was a Highway Patrol man, but got in an accident. He was in the Ft Walton Hospital and met the missionaries. A week later we got a call from some members saying that he is interested in learning about the gospel. So we went the the Andersson's home and met Bobby. He was so interested that after our lesson on Thursday, we had one on Friday, another on Saturday, and he came to church with us on Sunday. He is originally from Holt, FL, which is in Crestview's area, but because he is living with the Andersson's for the time being we are teaching him. Missionary work is definitely a team effort. Ft Walton found him, we're teaching him, and Crestview will baptize him. Cool huh? Anyway's when we taught on Saturday we invited him to be baptized, he said yes. He will be baptized on May 28, just before I come home.
That is our life here in Niceville. On a cool side note, we play basketball in the mornings for exercise, softball at night for contacting, ultimate Frisbee to work with less actives, and we talk about the NBA playoffs to get into a part members home. I love serving a mission. ;)
Love Elder Call
Monday, April 4, 2011
General Conference
Hello Everyone,
What a week we had. So many things happened or didn't happen like we had thought or planned. This week has been filled with so many things I'm not sure where to start.
Tuesday we had a lesson with the Cooper family. Sis Cooper has been coming out of inactivity. We taught a short object lesson to them, then let them do the rest of the talking. They knew all of the answers to the questions we had and they loved having us there. Sis Cooper mentioned to her boy Carter about getting baptized! Because of the divorce between her and Bro Cooper, the kids have been left out of church activity. They go when they are with their dad, but that's it. It's been three years since the breakup started and it has only been recently that Sis Cooper has been going to church. Her son Carter is turning twelve soon and Evan is nine. Both are ready and willing, but its just been a matter of time for their mom to say yes. She told us that in these last couple of she has been thinking about her kids. Bro Cooper always seems so sure, even when he doesn't have the kids with him. She said that he feels this way because he knows that he will see them again. Sis Cooper came to this realization that if she wants to be with her kids forever she needs to start doing the things that will qualify her for the blessing. Like going to church and such. Its been great to watch their progress.
Wednesday was alright. We had just about every lesson fall through, but we had some good moments. We saw the Burnhams. A less active family that refuses to come to church. We got the young men, young women conference challenge for the weekend.
Thursday I got a Jew's Harp from another missionary. Look it up, it is such a redneck instrument.
Friday we did service in Destin at a resort. A member owned a condo on the top floor of this building. It is right on the beach and is beautiful.
Saturday and Sunday were probably the best days. We had planned out our General Conference weekend so that we could watch each session in someone's home:
First session was with Brother Howell. He is just amazing.
Second session was with the Chabots and Jay Akoi. We watched it on the internet with them and Jay brought pizza. I told him that Matt eats a lot, so he brought eight boxes of pizza. There were only seven of us. We watched the session with them and helped Seth fill out his Conference Challenge.
Priesthood was amazing. We took Seth and Matt with us to the Priesthood session. The young men did and activity before hand and we were there with them. We watched priesthood and every time they said something about missionaries or marriage, Seth would poke me and say that he's talking to me. I had to remind him that I'm still on a mission and can't get married yet. I think all in all they enjoyed it.
Forth session was at the church. We were trying to meet Nina Cox there. A investigator from a part member family, but she never showed. We still enjoyed conference. I got to sit next to the Wendle boys. They are about seven and six years old.
Fifth session was the longest. The Grigg family invited us over to eat dinner and watch the session. We got to there house at 2:30 to find no one there. We got a call a few minutes later from Bro Grigg. He said that he was in Destin and would be there soon. They had just gotten a new bid on a job and he was working. Sis Grigg was with her two daughters at their Cheer leading something. We waited for them and Sis Grigg got home before Bro Grigg. We couldn't go inside, so we waited outside on their patio. It took a lot longer than we thought. An hour and a half longer than we thought. Bro Grigg finally got home and we ate while we watched the conference. I didn't miss anything because they had recorded it.
It was a great weekend. I love General Conference and I'm sad that this is my last one on a mission. However, I've been told that when I go home the members from the ward in Niceville can get me tickets to the next General Conference. ;) yay!
Its been a long week with lots of ups and downs. I'm glad I got to here from the priesthood brethren. I loved President Uchtdorf Priesthood talk, both of President Monsons, and of course Elder Scott's. There were others I enjoyed too, but mostly those ones. I wonder why?
Love Elder Call
What a week we had. So many things happened or didn't happen like we had thought or planned. This week has been filled with so many things I'm not sure where to start.
Tuesday we had a lesson with the Cooper family. Sis Cooper has been coming out of inactivity. We taught a short object lesson to them, then let them do the rest of the talking. They knew all of the answers to the questions we had and they loved having us there. Sis Cooper mentioned to her boy Carter about getting baptized! Because of the divorce between her and Bro Cooper, the kids have been left out of church activity. They go when they are with their dad, but that's it. It's been three years since the breakup started and it has only been recently that Sis Cooper has been going to church. Her son Carter is turning twelve soon and Evan is nine. Both are ready and willing, but its just been a matter of time for their mom to say yes. She told us that in these last couple of she has been thinking about her kids. Bro Cooper always seems so sure, even when he doesn't have the kids with him. She said that he feels this way because he knows that he will see them again. Sis Cooper came to this realization that if she wants to be with her kids forever she needs to start doing the things that will qualify her for the blessing. Like going to church and such. Its been great to watch their progress.
Wednesday was alright. We had just about every lesson fall through, but we had some good moments. We saw the Burnhams. A less active family that refuses to come to church. We got the young men, young women conference challenge for the weekend.
Thursday I got a Jew's Harp from another missionary. Look it up, it is such a redneck instrument.
Friday we did service in Destin at a resort. A member owned a condo on the top floor of this building. It is right on the beach and is beautiful.
Saturday and Sunday were probably the best days. We had planned out our General Conference weekend so that we could watch each session in someone's home:
First session was with Brother Howell. He is just amazing.
Second session was with the Chabots and Jay Akoi. We watched it on the internet with them and Jay brought pizza. I told him that Matt eats a lot, so he brought eight boxes of pizza. There were only seven of us. We watched the session with them and helped Seth fill out his Conference Challenge.
Priesthood was amazing. We took Seth and Matt with us to the Priesthood session. The young men did and activity before hand and we were there with them. We watched priesthood and every time they said something about missionaries or marriage, Seth would poke me and say that he's talking to me. I had to remind him that I'm still on a mission and can't get married yet. I think all in all they enjoyed it.
Forth session was at the church. We were trying to meet Nina Cox there. A investigator from a part member family, but she never showed. We still enjoyed conference. I got to sit next to the Wendle boys. They are about seven and six years old.
Fifth session was the longest. The Grigg family invited us over to eat dinner and watch the session. We got to there house at 2:30 to find no one there. We got a call a few minutes later from Bro Grigg. He said that he was in Destin and would be there soon. They had just gotten a new bid on a job and he was working. Sis Grigg was with her two daughters at their Cheer leading something. We waited for them and Sis Grigg got home before Bro Grigg. We couldn't go inside, so we waited outside on their patio. It took a lot longer than we thought. An hour and a half longer than we thought. Bro Grigg finally got home and we ate while we watched the conference. I didn't miss anything because they had recorded it.
It was a great weekend. I love General Conference and I'm sad that this is my last one on a mission. However, I've been told that when I go home the members from the ward in Niceville can get me tickets to the next General Conference. ;) yay!
Its been a long week with lots of ups and downs. I'm glad I got to here from the priesthood brethren. I loved President Uchtdorf Priesthood talk, both of President Monsons, and of course Elder Scott's. There were others I enjoyed too, but mostly those ones. I wonder why?
Love Elder Call
Monday, March 28, 2011
Spring time - feeling good
Hey Everyone,
I'm feeling great and grateful to be in Florida. Its warm.
We have had a great and interesting week. We have met a few interesting people and a few amazing people. One time when we were tracting we knocked on a door and a guy yelled from inside, "come in." We went in. He was sitting on his couch drinking a beer and watching TV. As we walked in he didn't say anything, then he noticed what we were wearing and recognized who we were. There was nothing left for him to say, but he said it anyway. "Oh Sh**. You got the wrong house." hahaha. It was so funny!
I've got a scary story for you. This morning i was doing my early exercises when Elder North came running up the stairs saying that he saw a giant spider. I went down with him to investigate. There it was on our couch. It looked so weird you could mistake it for a scorpion if you get it at the right angle. It was brown and hairy. Not your usual house spiders. Elder North got his big basketball shoe and smashed him. Now there is a dead spider on the kitchen floor. Neither of was want to pick it up in case it comes back to life. We both were a little creeped out. Mostly because this is the first spider to infiltrate the apartment while I've been in Florida and we have the nicest apartment. There are no real holes for them to come in. I went back up stairs to finish my workout. When I was done I went downstairs to eat breakfast. Still scared I poked my head around the corner. And guess what I saw... ANOTHER SPIDER! But this one was 3x bigger and in the middle of the Kitchen!! Where do they come from? Not just one spider, but two. This time I decided not to kill it. Instead I captured it. We have this make shift cage that we made for when we catch lizards. We didn't have a lizard in it, so I put the spider in it. Mostly because I wanted to show it to the Ft Walton Missionaries. No one believes a fish story, so I had to catch it. And catch it I did!! After showing them I released him into the wild again. Now that we are e-mailing I looked it up. The spider is a brown Recluse. They are poisonous and the venom causes damage to the skin and tissue. Or in other words, the skin and tissue die. AND IT WAS IN OUR HOUSE!!! I have had the heebie jeebies all morning. ew...
Back to missionary things. Sister Peart has been working with her friend for a long time. Well this week is our wards fast Sunday. Among other things, like a member in the Hospital and another whose husband is not a member, we had a fast for Sister Peart's friend, CK. What was really cool was he showed up for church, said he's ready to start taking the lessons, we had a lesson with him and the Peart's that night, and he is planning on watching a little bit of General Conference. He is amazing. He also has so many friends in the church. He is a nurse and works with about 5 or 6 doctors from our ward. O'Brian, Rulwics, Bronson, Honeycutt, and Riley. All are doctors for the Air Force and all are members of the church. Really active members of the church. He will have a great support system, until they all leave. We are losing about half of our ward in the summer. All of the mentioned doctors are leaving and others like Brother O'Malley are leaving too. Brother O'Malley is super cool. He flies F-35's, knows John Bytheway personally and is moving to Las Vegas (or whatever base is there). I will get to see him again too. However, the ward is going to change dramatically. The Primary just got reorganized this week.
I love serving in this ward. I feel so attached to them. Its like my home. The youth are so great. The youth leaders are better and everyone wants to be involved. Teaching the Chabots has been difficult. Seth and Matt are really stubborn. But that's what you get when you have such an awesome ward. You get the difficult cases. The ones that take extra time, extra love and extra work. All of it goes towards a common goal and all of it is worth it. What adds to the coolness is most of the members own really nice homes and have mentioned that I could come back and stay with them. When I say nice homes I mean waterfront properties with their own dock! Its not on the coast, but its in the big bay. Dolphins constantly are swimming past them. This week we were with the Johnson's who live on a little Bayou. They have a modest home. Its only the two of them though, so it looks like a huge house. He gave us the tour. They have an indoor pool. Well kind of. Its a screened off pool. No bugs, just a nice breeze. He took us up to the attic, or Dog House as he calls it. The place where he goes when he is in trouble. Its a little room that's fully finished, has a big tv and has a closet that is filled with model airplanes. I mean filled. He has about 300 model airplanes. He hasn't built any of them yet. They are all still in their boxes. He has WWI planes, WWII planes, planes from the Gulf War and planes that are still in action. He also has a model of the Battleship Missouri. The one where Japan surrendered on. It was the coolest Dog House I've ever seen!!
Anyway, Florida is beautiful. I sent Shannon her present today. She'll get it sometime this week.
Hope everyone is doing well and having fun.
Love Elder Call
I'm feeling great and grateful to be in Florida. Its warm.
We have had a great and interesting week. We have met a few interesting people and a few amazing people. One time when we were tracting we knocked on a door and a guy yelled from inside, "come in." We went in. He was sitting on his couch drinking a beer and watching TV. As we walked in he didn't say anything, then he noticed what we were wearing and recognized who we were. There was nothing left for him to say, but he said it anyway. "Oh Sh**. You got the wrong house." hahaha. It was so funny!
I've got a scary story for you. This morning i was doing my early exercises when Elder North came running up the stairs saying that he saw a giant spider. I went down with him to investigate. There it was on our couch. It looked so weird you could mistake it for a scorpion if you get it at the right angle. It was brown and hairy. Not your usual house spiders. Elder North got his big basketball shoe and smashed him. Now there is a dead spider on the kitchen floor. Neither of was want to pick it up in case it comes back to life. We both were a little creeped out. Mostly because this is the first spider to infiltrate the apartment while I've been in Florida and we have the nicest apartment. There are no real holes for them to come in. I went back up stairs to finish my workout. When I was done I went downstairs to eat breakfast. Still scared I poked my head around the corner. And guess what I saw... ANOTHER SPIDER! But this one was 3x bigger and in the middle of the Kitchen!! Where do they come from? Not just one spider, but two. This time I decided not to kill it. Instead I captured it. We have this make shift cage that we made for when we catch lizards. We didn't have a lizard in it, so I put the spider in it. Mostly because I wanted to show it to the Ft Walton Missionaries. No one believes a fish story, so I had to catch it. And catch it I did!! After showing them I released him into the wild again. Now that we are e-mailing I looked it up. The spider is a brown Recluse. They are poisonous and the venom causes damage to the skin and tissue. Or in other words, the skin and tissue die. AND IT WAS IN OUR HOUSE!!! I have had the heebie jeebies all morning. ew...
Back to missionary things. Sister Peart has been working with her friend for a long time. Well this week is our wards fast Sunday. Among other things, like a member in the Hospital and another whose husband is not a member, we had a fast for Sister Peart's friend, CK. What was really cool was he showed up for church, said he's ready to start taking the lessons, we had a lesson with him and the Peart's that night, and he is planning on watching a little bit of General Conference. He is amazing. He also has so many friends in the church. He is a nurse and works with about 5 or 6 doctors from our ward. O'Brian, Rulwics, Bronson, Honeycutt, and Riley. All are doctors for the Air Force and all are members of the church. Really active members of the church. He will have a great support system, until they all leave. We are losing about half of our ward in the summer. All of the mentioned doctors are leaving and others like Brother O'Malley are leaving too. Brother O'Malley is super cool. He flies F-35's, knows John Bytheway personally and is moving to Las Vegas (or whatever base is there). I will get to see him again too. However, the ward is going to change dramatically. The Primary just got reorganized this week.
I love serving in this ward. I feel so attached to them. Its like my home. The youth are so great. The youth leaders are better and everyone wants to be involved. Teaching the Chabots has been difficult. Seth and Matt are really stubborn. But that's what you get when you have such an awesome ward. You get the difficult cases. The ones that take extra time, extra love and extra work. All of it goes towards a common goal and all of it is worth it. What adds to the coolness is most of the members own really nice homes and have mentioned that I could come back and stay with them. When I say nice homes I mean waterfront properties with their own dock! Its not on the coast, but its in the big bay. Dolphins constantly are swimming past them. This week we were with the Johnson's who live on a little Bayou. They have a modest home. Its only the two of them though, so it looks like a huge house. He gave us the tour. They have an indoor pool. Well kind of. Its a screened off pool. No bugs, just a nice breeze. He took us up to the attic, or Dog House as he calls it. The place where he goes when he is in trouble. Its a little room that's fully finished, has a big tv and has a closet that is filled with model airplanes. I mean filled. He has about 300 model airplanes. He hasn't built any of them yet. They are all still in their boxes. He has WWI planes, WWII planes, planes from the Gulf War and planes that are still in action. He also has a model of the Battleship Missouri. The one where Japan surrendered on. It was the coolest Dog House I've ever seen!!
Anyway, Florida is beautiful. I sent Shannon her present today. She'll get it sometime this week.
Hope everyone is doing well and having fun.
Love Elder Call
Monday, March 21, 2011
Hello From Niceville.
Hey Everyone,
I'm really glad that Shannon got some use out of my letters. It's always great to hear that it means something to someone else. OH! BTW: HAPPY BIRTHDAY SHANNON!! You are old! Just not as old as me. You now get to go to all of the dances! I'm sure that will be exciting for you. You will be able to show off all of you dance moves on the dance floor. Keep practicing and you can teach me some when I get back. I'm going to need it.
Niceville is great. Its ben 70 degree's all week and that's what it looks like its going to be for the next week. Elder North and I have spent a lot of time walking around lately. Elder Bell and Elder Mudaliar left the van with us without any miles. Just enough to get here and there. We now have to crunch for miles, but that's ok because we walk almost everywhere. We decided to go tracting right on the water. There are a lot of water front homes in Niceville and we needed to find some people. We didn't find to many, but while we were walking by the water I saw a really cool looking shell. I picked it up because I wanted to send it to Shannon. As I was holding it a little creature came out to say hi. It was a Hermit Crab!! He had a beautiful shell, but we were out in the neighborhoods tracting. We kept him for a little bit, but decided it would be better to release him. We left him in a park next to the water.
Elder North and I have been doing a lot of service. That was our day on Saturday. Service. We began by helping sister Fleck put up her new Flat Screen TV. Tami, her daughter was there to help to. They wanted the new TV up because Baseball season is coming quickly and they want to watch the Braves. - Next was the Cook's. Brother Cook made these two giant doors for his barn and needed help putting them on. He gave us the address and we drove out to his new place that they are fixing up. It is a beach house. There back yard goes right out to the bay. The bay is really shallow in some parts. There was a Volleyball net set up in the water about 30 yards out, and the sand bar kept going. They bought the house cheep as a fixer-upper. They were planning in moving in, but Sister Cook is pregnant with their forth child. It would be really cramped for them. However, if they still have the house in the summer, I could always go back and visit. :) We helped Brother Cook lift the doors and attach the hinges. They were massive doors and looked really good. Brother Cook used extra wood from their wood floors. It had a really nice finish. - Seth called us that morning and asked if we could walk Matt to his Birthday Party. Sister Chabot has been really sick lately. Severe Bronchitis, is what the doctors told her. She has been in bed for the last week. We went over and took the boys with us. We took Matt the his birthday party and Seth and Zack to the park. We were with them until they were tired and wanted to go back home. We stayed their until Matt and Alisha came home. - While we were at the Cahbots, we got a call from President Peirce's wife. Sister Phillips was moving and needed some help. Sister Phillips is very interesting. Her and Brother Phillips have been going at each others necks for a while and now they have decided to get in a divorce. It was a very interesting situation. Brother Phillips wanted us to help him move and Sister Phillips said she was going to call the cops on him and us. Haha. We got her stuff moved into a storage unit. Sister Billings, her next door neighbor, was very grateful for our help. So grateful that she cooked us dinner and let us watch some of the BYU basketball game. Jackson looked great and I saw his dad on TV. - It was a long day of service for us, but we were blessed in the end. While at the Chabots we told them we were going to get a ride for them to come to church since their mom was sick. Well, after dinner we called but no one answered. Elder North and I decided to go visit them before we went home. When we got there, their grandparents were already there. Not only were they there, they were planning on coming up and taking their grand kids to church the next day. YAY!! Seth and Matt are getting close again. I can feel it.
I hope you all are enjoying this time of you life right now. I sure am enjoying mine. I get BYU updates all the time from the members in the ward. ;) The work is great and the gospel is true.
Love Elder Call
I'm really glad that Shannon got some use out of my letters. It's always great to hear that it means something to someone else. OH! BTW: HAPPY BIRTHDAY SHANNON!! You are old! Just not as old as me. You now get to go to all of the dances! I'm sure that will be exciting for you. You will be able to show off all of you dance moves on the dance floor. Keep practicing and you can teach me some when I get back. I'm going to need it.
Niceville is great. Its ben 70 degree's all week and that's what it looks like its going to be for the next week. Elder North and I have spent a lot of time walking around lately. Elder Bell and Elder Mudaliar left the van with us without any miles. Just enough to get here and there. We now have to crunch for miles, but that's ok because we walk almost everywhere. We decided to go tracting right on the water. There are a lot of water front homes in Niceville and we needed to find some people. We didn't find to many, but while we were walking by the water I saw a really cool looking shell. I picked it up because I wanted to send it to Shannon. As I was holding it a little creature came out to say hi. It was a Hermit Crab!! He had a beautiful shell, but we were out in the neighborhoods tracting. We kept him for a little bit, but decided it would be better to release him. We left him in a park next to the water.
Elder North and I have been doing a lot of service. That was our day on Saturday. Service. We began by helping sister Fleck put up her new Flat Screen TV. Tami, her daughter was there to help to. They wanted the new TV up because Baseball season is coming quickly and they want to watch the Braves. - Next was the Cook's. Brother Cook made these two giant doors for his barn and needed help putting them on. He gave us the address and we drove out to his new place that they are fixing up. It is a beach house. There back yard goes right out to the bay. The bay is really shallow in some parts. There was a Volleyball net set up in the water about 30 yards out, and the sand bar kept going. They bought the house cheep as a fixer-upper. They were planning in moving in, but Sister Cook is pregnant with their forth child. It would be really cramped for them. However, if they still have the house in the summer, I could always go back and visit. :) We helped Brother Cook lift the doors and attach the hinges. They were massive doors and looked really good. Brother Cook used extra wood from their wood floors. It had a really nice finish. - Seth called us that morning and asked if we could walk Matt to his Birthday Party. Sister Chabot has been really sick lately. Severe Bronchitis, is what the doctors told her. She has been in bed for the last week. We went over and took the boys with us. We took Matt the his birthday party and Seth and Zack to the park. We were with them until they were tired and wanted to go back home. We stayed their until Matt and Alisha came home. - While we were at the Cahbots, we got a call from President Peirce's wife. Sister Phillips was moving and needed some help. Sister Phillips is very interesting. Her and Brother Phillips have been going at each others necks for a while and now they have decided to get in a divorce. It was a very interesting situation. Brother Phillips wanted us to help him move and Sister Phillips said she was going to call the cops on him and us. Haha. We got her stuff moved into a storage unit. Sister Billings, her next door neighbor, was very grateful for our help. So grateful that she cooked us dinner and let us watch some of the BYU basketball game. Jackson looked great and I saw his dad on TV. - It was a long day of service for us, but we were blessed in the end. While at the Chabots we told them we were going to get a ride for them to come to church since their mom was sick. Well, after dinner we called but no one answered. Elder North and I decided to go visit them before we went home. When we got there, their grandparents were already there. Not only were they there, they were planning on coming up and taking their grand kids to church the next day. YAY!! Seth and Matt are getting close again. I can feel it.
I hope you all are enjoying this time of you life right now. I sure am enjoying mine. I get BYU updates all the time from the members in the ward. ;) The work is great and the gospel is true.
Love Elder Call
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Signs of Spring
Hey Mom and everyone else. ;)
I'm really glad that Clark is doing so well. Just reading about your one week experience at the U has brought back so many wonderful memories. I loved being there and being apart of something so cool. Bishop Clements is amazing and the young single adults in that ward are off the charts. There were so many others who worked just as hard, if not harder than I did to bring others back to the safety of the Gospel. Me and Clark just clicked, and that's sometimes all it takes.
As for BYU. There is a member here in Florida who reminds me a lot of Grandpa Call. Brother Conger only has one kid, but he is at BYU and Brother Conger himself is from BYU. He continues to watch sports and follow the team, although not as avidly as Grandpa. He let us know the score of the game and many members who are also BYU alumi have been telling us about Jimmer and how he is off the charts. I have also been getting reports about how bad Utah is right now. haha. funny.
This last week has been hard. We have had many appointments fall through and it seems with Seth and Matt Chabot we have hit a brick wall. Matt says were forcing him and Seth wants a tattoo. Ugh. However we have big plans for them this week. We are taking Brother O'Maley with us on Tuesday and Brother Bronson on Thursday. Both are Air Force, the one being a F-35 Pilot and the other a doctor. Both are apart of the young mens and have been huge influences on the Chabot family. We are going to try and get them a couple of steps closer to baptism. Bro Bronson is really excited for the lesson because they have just purchased a replica of the Liahona. We are going to try and use that to teach an object lesson. FUN!
Spring time is coming. There have already been signs. Cars are being covered by a green layer of pollen. And I mean covered. Think of a light snow in Utah, that is green. And it doesn't melt. For the last three days my sinus' have been shot. I feel like I've been banging my forehead on the wall in the same spot for the last three days. Its only my forehead, just above the nose. Painful I tell you. However, I've been taking my medicine, and medicine on top of my medicine and a lot of orange juice as well. Just to try and keep up. I'm doing better today and have been doing a lot better over all this winter. It's been great. I have only been sick a few times, unlike last winter when I was sick from Thanksgiving to April. It's been good here.
Tomorrow is going to be exciting. We are having a multi-zone conference in Pensecola. There we will be taught by Elder Alan F Packer of the seventy. We are very excited to listen to him, and because President promised us all red ties. ;) I'll tell you how it goes.
Love Elder Call
I'm really glad that Clark is doing so well. Just reading about your one week experience at the U has brought back so many wonderful memories. I loved being there and being apart of something so cool. Bishop Clements is amazing and the young single adults in that ward are off the charts. There were so many others who worked just as hard, if not harder than I did to bring others back to the safety of the Gospel. Me and Clark just clicked, and that's sometimes all it takes.
As for BYU. There is a member here in Florida who reminds me a lot of Grandpa Call. Brother Conger only has one kid, but he is at BYU and Brother Conger himself is from BYU. He continues to watch sports and follow the team, although not as avidly as Grandpa. He let us know the score of the game and many members who are also BYU alumi have been telling us about Jimmer and how he is off the charts. I have also been getting reports about how bad Utah is right now. haha. funny.
This last week has been hard. We have had many appointments fall through and it seems with Seth and Matt Chabot we have hit a brick wall. Matt says were forcing him and Seth wants a tattoo. Ugh. However we have big plans for them this week. We are taking Brother O'Maley with us on Tuesday and Brother Bronson on Thursday. Both are Air Force, the one being a F-35 Pilot and the other a doctor. Both are apart of the young mens and have been huge influences on the Chabot family. We are going to try and get them a couple of steps closer to baptism. Bro Bronson is really excited for the lesson because they have just purchased a replica of the Liahona. We are going to try and use that to teach an object lesson. FUN!
Spring time is coming. There have already been signs. Cars are being covered by a green layer of pollen. And I mean covered. Think of a light snow in Utah, that is green. And it doesn't melt. For the last three days my sinus' have been shot. I feel like I've been banging my forehead on the wall in the same spot for the last three days. Its only my forehead, just above the nose. Painful I tell you. However, I've been taking my medicine, and medicine on top of my medicine and a lot of orange juice as well. Just to try and keep up. I'm doing better today and have been doing a lot better over all this winter. It's been great. I have only been sick a few times, unlike last winter when I was sick from Thanksgiving to April. It's been good here.
Tomorrow is going to be exciting. We are having a multi-zone conference in Pensecola. There we will be taught by Elder Alan F Packer of the seventy. We are very excited to listen to him, and because President promised us all red ties. ;) I'll tell you how it goes.
Love Elder Call
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Hey everyone,
I know you weren't expecting an e-mail today, neither was I. However here we are at the college e-mailing our families. President is really inconsistent with Holidays. I'm sure that because his schedule is just as crazy as ours he doesn't really notice them as much as he did then. All of the days are rolled up into one big one. The world just keeps revolving and changing and we just keep trucking along not really knowing or caring about what's going on around us. Its a pretty cool feeling to have and I'm sad that it won't last long.
There have been a lot of changes in our area. We just got Elder Mudaliar and we now have two companionships. Elder Bell and Elder Mudaliar. Elder North and me. They have the east half and we have the west. Both areas have their advantages, mine is I don't have to drive a van. haha. ;) Its great! We ride our bikes everywhere, walk and just enjoy not having the responsibility of a car. Elder Bell is now the designated driver and I can do whatever I want to in the back. It is a blast!!
With the new area our teaching pool has been hacked in half. We have been trying to find more people to teach and praying that the ones that Elder Bell and Elder Mudaliar are teaching keep progressing. Like Kenneth. I mentioned him last week, but it seems to be worse. We went to teach him on Monday and he didn't want anything to do with us. After talking to him for a while we once again were on good terms and he was ready for baptism, but he got worse over the week. When Elder Bell went to go pick him up for church he said he wasn't going. This will be the second obvious person who has been touched by the spirit and then chooses not to follow it. I know that they have their agency and that I should and do respect it, but its hard. I just want to tell him everything and allow him to see with his spiritual eyes. If he could just see what is waiting for him he wouldn't question anything, but jump right in. The same thing happens to me all the time. I don't know what's on the other side. A lot of times a trial comes in my life that just looks like a giant mountain. We see the beautiful valleys with flowing streams and the constant waterfalls, but the Lord tells us to go up the mountain. Straight up! It looks impossible and at times we may feel like we have come to the face of cliff. With nowhere to go, but up. Through it all we learn faith, diligence and a whole lot of patience. However, like Kenneth, if we don't start on the path we will never reach the top, we will never find out what it is that we are missing. Nobody could tell us about, nor could they give us a picture, because it would mean nothing to us. To truly feel the joy, we need to be where the Lord wants us, on top of the mountain. (BTW; its really hard to give a mountain analogy when you haven't seen mountains for almost 2 years)
This week is looking promising. I don't have to drive the van. I get to ride my bike in beautiful 70 degree weather. The Chabots are doing very well and close to baptism. Elder North and I are a great companionship. Its Megan's birthday and I have something to send her, sorry its late. What a week it'll be!!!
Love Elder Call
I know you weren't expecting an e-mail today, neither was I. However here we are at the college e-mailing our families. President is really inconsistent with Holidays. I'm sure that because his schedule is just as crazy as ours he doesn't really notice them as much as he did then. All of the days are rolled up into one big one. The world just keeps revolving and changing and we just keep trucking along not really knowing or caring about what's going on around us. Its a pretty cool feeling to have and I'm sad that it won't last long.
There have been a lot of changes in our area. We just got Elder Mudaliar and we now have two companionships. Elder Bell and Elder Mudaliar. Elder North and me. They have the east half and we have the west. Both areas have their advantages, mine is I don't have to drive a van. haha. ;) Its great! We ride our bikes everywhere, walk and just enjoy not having the responsibility of a car. Elder Bell is now the designated driver and I can do whatever I want to in the back. It is a blast!!
With the new area our teaching pool has been hacked in half. We have been trying to find more people to teach and praying that the ones that Elder Bell and Elder Mudaliar are teaching keep progressing. Like Kenneth. I mentioned him last week, but it seems to be worse. We went to teach him on Monday and he didn't want anything to do with us. After talking to him for a while we once again were on good terms and he was ready for baptism, but he got worse over the week. When Elder Bell went to go pick him up for church he said he wasn't going. This will be the second obvious person who has been touched by the spirit and then chooses not to follow it. I know that they have their agency and that I should and do respect it, but its hard. I just want to tell him everything and allow him to see with his spiritual eyes. If he could just see what is waiting for him he wouldn't question anything, but jump right in. The same thing happens to me all the time. I don't know what's on the other side. A lot of times a trial comes in my life that just looks like a giant mountain. We see the beautiful valleys with flowing streams and the constant waterfalls, but the Lord tells us to go up the mountain. Straight up! It looks impossible and at times we may feel like we have come to the face of cliff. With nowhere to go, but up. Through it all we learn faith, diligence and a whole lot of patience. However, like Kenneth, if we don't start on the path we will never reach the top, we will never find out what it is that we are missing. Nobody could tell us about, nor could they give us a picture, because it would mean nothing to us. To truly feel the joy, we need to be where the Lord wants us, on top of the mountain. (BTW; its really hard to give a mountain analogy when you haven't seen mountains for almost 2 years)
This week is looking promising. I don't have to drive the van. I get to ride my bike in beautiful 70 degree weather. The Chabots are doing very well and close to baptism. Elder North and I are a great companionship. Its Megan's birthday and I have something to send her, sorry its late. What a week it'll be!!!
Love Elder Call
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Late Letter
Sorry about last weeks letter and this weeks letter. It seems that it had trouble sending last weeks and we've been super busy here this week. We had another big P-Day down in Destin with the Panama City Zone. This time we took Seth with us. He loved it. He doesn't have anyone to hang out with him. He doesn't go to school, play sports, or really have any friends. We talked to his grandfather today and he said that Seth really looks up to us as 'role models'. I don't know if its best to be taking after me, but I guess I turned out ok. We took him with us first to a park, but we got kicked out because it was a private park, so we went to the beach. The same place we went last time. It was a blast!! Seth played football with us and on the way home we shot marshmallows at the others missionaries cars. We got a couple into their windows.
I know I forgot to mention, but I got grandma's package with the med's. Yum. Thank you.
Zack Chabot is officially a member. Elder Bell dunked him and his grandfather gave him the Holy Ghost. It was great for everyone involved! There were a lot of members and his Primary Class was there too! So much support!! Now half of the Chabot family are now members. We are working on getting them ready, before March 5. Yeah that's my b-day, but thats not whats important. We found out that the ward is going to have a Ward Temple Trip that day. If Seth can get baptized he can go to the Temple with Alisha and Kelsey! They will be able to go inside this time too. That is our goal for them.
We met a new guy last week. His name is Kenneth. Every time we go over there he feels the spirit and knows that it is true, however, anytime something good in your life comes, something bad has to match it. We taught him the Plan of Salvation. It was very personal to him because he had just recently lost his wife and son. He is now living alone with what he calls his 'girl friend'. A little Dog about the size of my foot. We taught about temples and preparing him to live with his family forever. He was prepared and ready for it. Two days later we went back and brought Bro Howell with us. Kenneth was in his back yard working on his Garden. We went to say hi to him and the first thing he asked us was, "Are you guys Jehovah Witnesses?" We spent some time explaining that we were not and taught him the Gospel of Jesus Christ. After the lesson we asked if he would be baptized? He said yes. Elder Bell asked if he would be baptized on March 5. (There's that day again) Again he said yet. We asked if he would come to church with us? You get the picture right? He said he would be waiting outside at 8:30. I went with Bro Cooper to go pick him up and sure enough, we pulled up at 8:30 and there Kenneth was ready to go to chruch. It was very nice. We gave him a tour of the chruch building showing him everything and introducing him to everyone. He loved it. All he could say was, 'I feel God's presence.'
We went back today. Again Kenneth was out back working in his garden when we came. When we came up to talk to him something was different about his countance. He asked this time if we were mormons. We said yes. He said 'I don't think I can be with you anymore.' Not again, was all I was thinking. Karren Barrett said the same thing to us. After feeling the spirit, she deceided to walk away from it. We talked to Kenneth for a while and answered his questions. He had been talking to his Sister-in-law and she had told him some things about us that put doubts in his mind. After talking to him the doubts went away and he felt good again. (BTW: a squirrel fell out of a tree while we were teaching. really funny) He said that there was a lot of opposition coming and that his family wouldn't like him joining. We talked to him about it and he agreed that it was the right thing to do. To get baptized and on the path to be with his wife again. Kenneth is a perfect example of the quick responses that Satan has on someone who is about to make a big change based on what they felt from the spirit. Kenneth is not a bad person, he just sits around and does nothing, and that is his problem. The Lord's gospel and teachings require work. Lots and lots of work. There is no retiring from it. There is no rest. Just work and more work. I love it.
That has been my week. It seems like everything is moving quickly. Kristen reminded me that 4 months is all I have left. As we played football I realized how old I was to the other missionaries. The end is very near.
My Birthday is coming quick, that must mean that Megan's is quicker!! 16!!! For your birthday Megan, I'm going to buy everyone else bike helmet's!! haha. JK. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MEGAN!! LOVE YA'S!!
Love Elder Call
Sorry about last weeks letter and this weeks letter. It seems that it had trouble sending last weeks and we've been super busy here this week. We had another big P-Day down in Destin with the Panama City Zone. This time we took Seth with us. He loved it. He doesn't have anyone to hang out with him. He doesn't go to school, play sports, or really have any friends. We talked to his grandfather today and he said that Seth really looks up to us as 'role models'. I don't know if its best to be taking after me, but I guess I turned out ok. We took him with us first to a park, but we got kicked out because it was a private park, so we went to the beach. The same place we went last time. It was a blast!! Seth played football with us and on the way home we shot marshmallows at the others missionaries cars. We got a couple into their windows.
I know I forgot to mention, but I got grandma's package with the med's. Yum. Thank you.
Zack Chabot is officially a member. Elder Bell dunked him and his grandfather gave him the Holy Ghost. It was great for everyone involved! There were a lot of members and his Primary Class was there too! So much support!! Now half of the Chabot family are now members. We are working on getting them ready, before March 5. Yeah that's my b-day, but thats not whats important. We found out that the ward is going to have a Ward Temple Trip that day. If Seth can get baptized he can go to the Temple with Alisha and Kelsey! They will be able to go inside this time too. That is our goal for them.
We met a new guy last week. His name is Kenneth. Every time we go over there he feels the spirit and knows that it is true, however, anytime something good in your life comes, something bad has to match it. We taught him the Plan of Salvation. It was very personal to him because he had just recently lost his wife and son. He is now living alone with what he calls his 'girl friend'. A little Dog about the size of my foot. We taught about temples and preparing him to live with his family forever. He was prepared and ready for it. Two days later we went back and brought Bro Howell with us. Kenneth was in his back yard working on his Garden. We went to say hi to him and the first thing he asked us was, "Are you guys Jehovah Witnesses?" We spent some time explaining that we were not and taught him the Gospel of Jesus Christ. After the lesson we asked if he would be baptized? He said yes. Elder Bell asked if he would be baptized on March 5. (There's that day again) Again he said yet. We asked if he would come to church with us? You get the picture right? He said he would be waiting outside at 8:30. I went with Bro Cooper to go pick him up and sure enough, we pulled up at 8:30 and there Kenneth was ready to go to chruch. It was very nice. We gave him a tour of the chruch building showing him everything and introducing him to everyone. He loved it. All he could say was, 'I feel God's presence.'
We went back today. Again Kenneth was out back working in his garden when we came. When we came up to talk to him something was different about his countance. He asked this time if we were mormons. We said yes. He said 'I don't think I can be with you anymore.' Not again, was all I was thinking. Karren Barrett said the same thing to us. After feeling the spirit, she deceided to walk away from it. We talked to Kenneth for a while and answered his questions. He had been talking to his Sister-in-law and she had told him some things about us that put doubts in his mind. After talking to him the doubts went away and he felt good again. (BTW: a squirrel fell out of a tree while we were teaching. really funny) He said that there was a lot of opposition coming and that his family wouldn't like him joining. We talked to him about it and he agreed that it was the right thing to do. To get baptized and on the path to be with his wife again. Kenneth is a perfect example of the quick responses that Satan has on someone who is about to make a big change based on what they felt from the spirit. Kenneth is not a bad person, he just sits around and does nothing, and that is his problem. The Lord's gospel and teachings require work. Lots and lots of work. There is no retiring from it. There is no rest. Just work and more work. I love it.
That has been my week. It seems like everything is moving quickly. Kristen reminded me that 4 months is all I have left. As we played football I realized how old I was to the other missionaries. The end is very near.
My Birthday is coming quick, that must mean that Megan's is quicker!! 16!!! For your birthday Megan, I'm going to buy everyone else bike helmet's!! haha. JK. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MEGAN!! LOVE YA'S!!
Love Elder Call
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Hello Everyone,
I am super tired from last week, yet I was very happy with everything that went on. Alisha Cain and Kelsey Mol were both baptized this week. Today Elder Bell and I found out that we are training together. This will be my fourth boy and the second one to cause an awkward loop in our Mission Family History. Only in the south right?
This week started out with Zone Conference. It was fantastic and I loved being with so many outstanding missionaries. We discussed many topics, but the one President Jensen hit hard was Church and Sacrament meeting. Why we get them there and how we can work hard to get them there. We read many scriptures together and discussed how best to go about it. It was a fantastic meeting and a great way to start the week.
After Zone Conference we were going to bring Elder Sawyer to do the Baptisimal interview for us, but we had some issues because Elder Chidester wanted to come down to the South part of our Zone on the same day. After some long talks we were told to go pick up Elder Chidester a couple of times. We drove to Ft Walton five times in four days. That really killed our miles and our chance to go out and work effectively, but we still got it done. Wednesday night we had the baptismal interview. Both Alisha and Kelsey were to meet us at the church to pick out their white dresses and have their interview. Alisha showed up, but Kelsey didn't. She was in the Hospital with a nasty allergy to something. We had Alisha pick out her clothes and have her interview, but we didn't know when we were going to get Kelsey in. After we talked with Sis Chabot, she agreed to take Kelsey down to Ft Walton to meet Elder Sawyer at the church to do the interview for us, because we didn't have the miles to go get him. Both interviews went well, but man was that stressful.
We filled out all the information for the baptismal records. However, Bishop has been gone for a while helping one of his children move, and we need his signature for the record before we can send it to the mission office. I think we are just going to get Bro Miller (1st Councilor) to sign it for us.
Sunday came and we were super excited for the Chabots. Until they texted us right before church saying that they weren't coming because Matt had a nasty fever. Man! If any thing could go wrong this week, it did. We had to talk to Sis Manwaring to go pick them up for us. She went and picked up Kelsey and Alisha, but the boys didn't want to come. While we were at church we got to talk to many people and send our dinner calendar around during 5th sunday. (Lots of people sign up on 5th Sunday) After church there was a pot-luck. We stayed and ate and talked with everyone. Alisha and Kelsey stayed too, but another thing decided to jump in the way. Alisha was on her phone and the table and Kelsey asked her to put it away. Alisha got mad and stormed off. I had to go find her. Oh goodie. An angry teenager!
She went on to explain how she hates it when Kelsey does that. How Kelsey did it at the Temple too. How she does it all the time. Etc, etc, etc. The thing is, every time Alisha gets close to the spirit or close to doing something that she is supposed to. Something that will make her happy. She gets put out by something that doesn't matter. I'm sure Kelsey has said similar things before, but because Alisha is so close to something good, Satan just magifies it to the point where its all Alisha can see. He did this to her when we got close to baptism the first time. He did it when they went on the temple trip with the young women. He did it the afternoon before Alisha got baptized. He is so annoying.
Sunday came and Elder Bell and I were preparing for the baptism. I was so nervous. Two reasons. One, they both asked me to be the one to baptize them. Don't want to mess that one up right? Second, because of what happened earlier that very day I was worried that they would bail out on me and not show up. It was very nerve racking. I was soon calmed when they showed up. It was a fantastic service with everyone willing to help out. Sis Hendricks and Sis Walker gave talks. Sis Manwaring sang a song that she wrote (it only took her a week to write it). Alisha's grandfather was their to confirm both of them members of the church. It was great, and they did get baptized.
My crazy week ended with Mason Hendricks' spilling Root Beer all over my suit. We were at the Hendricks for the after Baptism party. Just picture in your mind what happened. . . enough said.
That has been my week. I am still very tired. Elder Bell and I will be getting our boy on Wednesday and Zack Chabot wants to get baptized next Thursday. About ten days from now. Yay!!
Love Elder Call
I am super tired from last week, yet I was very happy with everything that went on. Alisha Cain and Kelsey Mol were both baptized this week. Today Elder Bell and I found out that we are training together. This will be my fourth boy and the second one to cause an awkward loop in our Mission Family History. Only in the south right?
This week started out with Zone Conference. It was fantastic and I loved being with so many outstanding missionaries. We discussed many topics, but the one President Jensen hit hard was Church and Sacrament meeting. Why we get them there and how we can work hard to get them there. We read many scriptures together and discussed how best to go about it. It was a fantastic meeting and a great way to start the week.
After Zone Conference we were going to bring Elder Sawyer to do the Baptisimal interview for us, but we had some issues because Elder Chidester wanted to come down to the South part of our Zone on the same day. After some long talks we were told to go pick up Elder Chidester a couple of times. We drove to Ft Walton five times in four days. That really killed our miles and our chance to go out and work effectively, but we still got it done. Wednesday night we had the baptismal interview. Both Alisha and Kelsey were to meet us at the church to pick out their white dresses and have their interview. Alisha showed up, but Kelsey didn't. She was in the Hospital with a nasty allergy to something. We had Alisha pick out her clothes and have her interview, but we didn't know when we were going to get Kelsey in. After we talked with Sis Chabot, she agreed to take Kelsey down to Ft Walton to meet Elder Sawyer at the church to do the interview for us, because we didn't have the miles to go get him. Both interviews went well, but man was that stressful.
We filled out all the information for the baptismal records. However, Bishop has been gone for a while helping one of his children move, and we need his signature for the record before we can send it to the mission office. I think we are just going to get Bro Miller (1st Councilor) to sign it for us.
Sunday came and we were super excited for the Chabots. Until they texted us right before church saying that they weren't coming because Matt had a nasty fever. Man! If any thing could go wrong this week, it did. We had to talk to Sis Manwaring to go pick them up for us. She went and picked up Kelsey and Alisha, but the boys didn't want to come. While we were at church we got to talk to many people and send our dinner calendar around during 5th sunday. (Lots of people sign up on 5th Sunday) After church there was a pot-luck. We stayed and ate and talked with everyone. Alisha and Kelsey stayed too, but another thing decided to jump in the way. Alisha was on her phone and the table and Kelsey asked her to put it away. Alisha got mad and stormed off. I had to go find her. Oh goodie. An angry teenager!
She went on to explain how she hates it when Kelsey does that. How Kelsey did it at the Temple too. How she does it all the time. Etc, etc, etc. The thing is, every time Alisha gets close to the spirit or close to doing something that she is supposed to. Something that will make her happy. She gets put out by something that doesn't matter. I'm sure Kelsey has said similar things before, but because Alisha is so close to something good, Satan just magifies it to the point where its all Alisha can see. He did this to her when we got close to baptism the first time. He did it when they went on the temple trip with the young women. He did it the afternoon before Alisha got baptized. He is so annoying.
Sunday came and Elder Bell and I were preparing for the baptism. I was so nervous. Two reasons. One, they both asked me to be the one to baptize them. Don't want to mess that one up right? Second, because of what happened earlier that very day I was worried that they would bail out on me and not show up. It was very nerve racking. I was soon calmed when they showed up. It was a fantastic service with everyone willing to help out. Sis Hendricks and Sis Walker gave talks. Sis Manwaring sang a song that she wrote (it only took her a week to write it). Alisha's grandfather was their to confirm both of them members of the church. It was great, and they did get baptized.
My crazy week ended with Mason Hendricks' spilling Root Beer all over my suit. We were at the Hendricks for the after Baptism party. Just picture in your mind what happened. . . enough said.
That has been my week. I am still very tired. Elder Bell and I will be getting our boy on Wednesday and Zack Chabot wants to get baptized next Thursday. About ten days from now. Yay!!
Love Elder Call
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Prayer is working
Hi Everyone,
Well we have some exciting news, and some boring news. The boring news is that I'm e-mailing you today. Elder Bell and I have everything all planned for Monday and Tuesday when we got a text from our District Leader that we should be taking P-Day on Tuesday instead of Monday. That would be fine, but our Tuesday is completely full. We are taking this time to e-mail, when we would have had District Meeting. Then later today we have about 5 different lessons and people we need to visit. We have become very busy in Niceville as of late. It has been fantastic.
Yesterday we got some really exciting news, but before I give it to you I'd better explain what is going on. We have been working with the Chabots for what seems like forever. Ever since I got here in October I have been teaching and working with the Chabots. Last Sunday Seth went the the Fireside with us and was taken home by a priesthood adviser. That was huge for us and for Seth. He has been having trust issues and we have been slowly helping break them down so he can trust us and others. The younger boys, Zack and Matt are fantastic and love their teachers and leaders. Alisha is the hard one. Mostly because she has no one to really talk too. I can't do it because I'm impatient and I'm a missionary. Feelings shared always results in bad experiences. So naturally as a missionary I just smile and wave. We have been trying to turn her to the scriptures, but we're as bad as her mom she says. We have been trying to turn her to the young women's leaders, but there hasn't been a connection, until now.
Sis Hendricks was called to be the new young women's president last week and everything has changed because of it. Sis Hendricks will go WAAAAAAY out of her way to make everyone feel welcomed and loved. She has all of the young women's phone numbers and text's them constantly, but appropriately too. (not during church, or school) She has come to a lesson with us at the Chabots and just dived in asking questions and getting to know them better. At first Alisha was hesitant with Sis Hendricks, but she got used to her quickly. The youth were preparing to go on a temple trip to Alabama this last weekend. Oh how I wish I could have gone, but oh well. Sis Hendricks was working with all of the youth and trying to get the girls to come. To do that Sis Hendricks had a big sleep over with all the Young women. They would be in a fantastic environment and it would be easier to get them to the church by 4:30am, or whenever they were planning on leaving. Well Friday night Alisha texted Sis Hendricks that Kelsey and her were bored. Well, Sis Hendricks invited them to come over to be with all the Young Women. As they were there Sis Hendricks had a great idea. Why don't you girls come with us to the temple? After a few phone calls to the parents and a quick drive over to get some clothes, Alisha and Kelsey were going up to Alabama to go to the temple. While at the temple something interesting happened. Alisha and Kelsey couldn't go into the temple obviously, they waited in the small visitors center. The youth and the leaders went to go do baptisms for the dead. While checking everyone's recommend, Sis Hendricks realized that her's had expired and that she couldn't get a temporary one from bishop. Bishop Walker turned to her as tears filled her eyes and said, "There are no such things and coincidences. There are two young women who can't be here right now who need your help." Sis Hendricks spent the rest of the time with Alisha and Kelsey. Talking with them and building the relationship that they needed that I couldn't provide.
After we found out about the awesome temple trip we went to visit the Chabots on Sunday. Elder Bell was distracting the boys while I talked to Alisha and then the Sis Chabot. Both promised that they would talk about being baptized with each other and Sis Chabot with the boys too. Well yesterday while we were out working we got a call from Sis Chabot. She asked to talk to me and then said that I would be really happy about what she had to say. She told me that Alisha wants to get baptized in two weeks, and that she wants me to perform the baptism. Once I heard her say that I shouted for joy. I was so happy I felt like nothing could tear me down.
I am so thankful for all the prayers that have been said in my behalf and in their's too. I felt as if my rope had ran short with the Chabots. I didn't know what else to do. However, I am grateful that other people have stepped up here in the ward and I'm so grateful for the prayers to my heavenly father. Without him there is no way that Alisha would have listened to me or to anyone else. That I know, but her heart has been softened and I have been given another chance to prepare them for the blessings of the gospel. I love it.
This church is true and peace and happiness is promised to those who find it. Stress and great anxiety is promised to those who work in the vineyard. haha. It's true, but it's worth every minute of it.
Elder Call
Well we have some exciting news, and some boring news. The boring news is that I'm e-mailing you today. Elder Bell and I have everything all planned for Monday and Tuesday when we got a text from our District Leader that we should be taking P-Day on Tuesday instead of Monday. That would be fine, but our Tuesday is completely full. We are taking this time to e-mail, when we would have had District Meeting. Then later today we have about 5 different lessons and people we need to visit. We have become very busy in Niceville as of late. It has been fantastic.
Yesterday we got some really exciting news, but before I give it to you I'd better explain what is going on. We have been working with the Chabots for what seems like forever. Ever since I got here in October I have been teaching and working with the Chabots. Last Sunday Seth went the the Fireside with us and was taken home by a priesthood adviser. That was huge for us and for Seth. He has been having trust issues and we have been slowly helping break them down so he can trust us and others. The younger boys, Zack and Matt are fantastic and love their teachers and leaders. Alisha is the hard one. Mostly because she has no one to really talk too. I can't do it because I'm impatient and I'm a missionary. Feelings shared always results in bad experiences. So naturally as a missionary I just smile and wave. We have been trying to turn her to the scriptures, but we're as bad as her mom she says. We have been trying to turn her to the young women's leaders, but there hasn't been a connection, until now.
Sis Hendricks was called to be the new young women's president last week and everything has changed because of it. Sis Hendricks will go WAAAAAAY out of her way to make everyone feel welcomed and loved. She has all of the young women's phone numbers and text's them constantly, but appropriately too. (not during church, or school) She has come to a lesson with us at the Chabots and just dived in asking questions and getting to know them better. At first Alisha was hesitant with Sis Hendricks, but she got used to her quickly. The youth were preparing to go on a temple trip to Alabama this last weekend. Oh how I wish I could have gone, but oh well. Sis Hendricks was working with all of the youth and trying to get the girls to come. To do that Sis Hendricks had a big sleep over with all the Young women. They would be in a fantastic environment and it would be easier to get them to the church by 4:30am, or whenever they were planning on leaving. Well Friday night Alisha texted Sis Hendricks that Kelsey and her were bored. Well, Sis Hendricks invited them to come over to be with all the Young Women. As they were there Sis Hendricks had a great idea. Why don't you girls come with us to the temple? After a few phone calls to the parents and a quick drive over to get some clothes, Alisha and Kelsey were going up to Alabama to go to the temple. While at the temple something interesting happened. Alisha and Kelsey couldn't go into the temple obviously, they waited in the small visitors center. The youth and the leaders went to go do baptisms for the dead. While checking everyone's recommend, Sis Hendricks realized that her's had expired and that she couldn't get a temporary one from bishop. Bishop Walker turned to her as tears filled her eyes and said, "There are no such things and coincidences. There are two young women who can't be here right now who need your help." Sis Hendricks spent the rest of the time with Alisha and Kelsey. Talking with them and building the relationship that they needed that I couldn't provide.
After we found out about the awesome temple trip we went to visit the Chabots on Sunday. Elder Bell was distracting the boys while I talked to Alisha and then the Sis Chabot. Both promised that they would talk about being baptized with each other and Sis Chabot with the boys too. Well yesterday while we were out working we got a call from Sis Chabot. She asked to talk to me and then said that I would be really happy about what she had to say. She told me that Alisha wants to get baptized in two weeks, and that she wants me to perform the baptism. Once I heard her say that I shouted for joy. I was so happy I felt like nothing could tear me down.
I am so thankful for all the prayers that have been said in my behalf and in their's too. I felt as if my rope had ran short with the Chabots. I didn't know what else to do. However, I am grateful that other people have stepped up here in the ward and I'm so grateful for the prayers to my heavenly father. Without him there is no way that Alisha would have listened to me or to anyone else. That I know, but her heart has been softened and I have been given another chance to prepare them for the blessings of the gospel. I love it.
This church is true and peace and happiness is promised to those who find it. Stress and great anxiety is promised to those who work in the vineyard. haha. It's true, but it's worth every minute of it.
Elder Call
Monday, January 10, 2011
New Goals
Hey Everyone,
I'm really glad you got my package. It took a lot of work, sweat and blood to get those. :) I need to thank all of you for your prayers. Especially you mom. Ever since you sent that e-mail saying that you were going to start praying for me to find people things have changed. Our District Leader, Elder Barlow, mentioned to us that our district found 29 new investigators last transfer and we had one baptism as a district. He also told us that the statistic that President Jensen gave us is that in every 29 new investigators found, we have one baptism. That night Elder Bell and I made a goal to find 29 new investigators by the end of this transfer. We had only four weeks left and only three weeks left now. We made this goal on Monday night and everyday since then we have been out trying to reach our goal. We have met some interesting people. One lady kept asking us why we don't believe in the same Jesus Christ she did? Another guy kept trying to convince us that we were not going to ever become god's. We have met people door after door. Most of the time we are left just talking to the door, but we have been richly blessed this week, because of your prayers.
We have found 9 new investigators this week. All of which have been prepared in some way to receive the gospel. We have also received many referrals. In the time that I have been serving here in Niceville we have found about 20 new investigators. That's about 1-2 per week, but somehow, through some miraculous way, we found ourselves at the end of the week with 9. I am still puzzled as to how we were so blessed to receive such a blessing from the Lord, but I have come to think of two ideas.
1. Your prayers in my behalf and the people I have been chosen to serve. Your love and care and worry for me has carried me more times than I could ever know. It's only now, as I look back on different parts of my mission do I see those blessings. Unique and powerful, each coming from unknown sources. I have made an unusual hypothesis. When a missionary first leaves his home he has usually found himself with rich blessings all around. This is because of ferverant prayer, both by himself and his family members. I remember some of the blessings that I received when I was on campus and in Ozark, AL. They came so powerfully and at the perfect timing. Then as the mission goes on those miracles slowly distance themselves. I think that is because when the missionary first leaves, his family has a void in it. The only thing they can do to fill the void is to pray. However, after a while, lets say six months, the void becomes common and the family adjusts themselves to it no longer relying heavily on prayer. So the missionary in the mission field is left without those blessings. Every missionary you will ever talk to goes through this time, regardless of who the missionary is. In our mission it is called the Black Hole. haha. It is a time when the blessings are not as common and when you 'feel' forgotten. This time usually lasts until about the missionary's 18th month mark, when everybody realizes that there missionary is in fact going to come home. They remember him and the remember to pray for him. That is where I am at right now. I have received some crazy blessings from unknown sources. These blessings can only compare to when I was on Campus. Don't think of this paragraph as criticism toward anyone, think of it as a funny human thing we do, because it happens to everyone.
2. Our new goal. We have a focus, a direction. If you don't have a goal, you will find yourself running around doing good things not getting anywhere. With out an end zone in football, or a goal in soccer, or a hoop in basketball, you will exhausted yourself without ever accomplishing anything. Elder Bell and I now have a goal. A big one. This is a goal that we cannot fulfill on our own. We cannot force anyone to be interested in the gospel. As much as we know, we know that everyone has there agency, the ability to choose. And if they don't choose this, there is nothing we can do. However, with every goal requires work. Elder Bell and I leave every morning with a purpose, to find as many people as we can. To talk and testify to as many people possible to give ourselves the best chance to receive our goal. As much as we try though, we cannot accomplish our goal without the Lords help. He is the gift giver and every blessing that will ever come to us will come by obedience. Its so hard to understand. No matter how hard I work, how much I study, how many times I try to convince someone that this is true, I, me myself and I, will never be able to accomplish my goal. Never. BUT, these are the only things I've been asked to do. I've been asked to work, to study, and to bear my testimony to everyone. I believe it is for two reasons. One, to build myself and my own conversion. I am pushing a rock that will never move, budge or flinch, but as I push I am getting stronger. Two, to please the Gift Giver. He is the one who will bless Elder Bell and I with people to teach. As I do the things that he asks me, he will bless me. Everything will be restored back to me.
I think that this is why we were able to find 9 new investigators. We have 20 more to go until we reach our goal, but I know we can to it.
I love all of you and thank you for your support. I got so many great letters for Christmas. Thank you.
Elder Call
I'm really glad you got my package. It took a lot of work, sweat and blood to get those. :) I need to thank all of you for your prayers. Especially you mom. Ever since you sent that e-mail saying that you were going to start praying for me to find people things have changed. Our District Leader, Elder Barlow, mentioned to us that our district found 29 new investigators last transfer and we had one baptism as a district. He also told us that the statistic that President Jensen gave us is that in every 29 new investigators found, we have one baptism. That night Elder Bell and I made a goal to find 29 new investigators by the end of this transfer. We had only four weeks left and only three weeks left now. We made this goal on Monday night and everyday since then we have been out trying to reach our goal. We have met some interesting people. One lady kept asking us why we don't believe in the same Jesus Christ she did? Another guy kept trying to convince us that we were not going to ever become god's. We have met people door after door. Most of the time we are left just talking to the door, but we have been richly blessed this week, because of your prayers.
We have found 9 new investigators this week. All of which have been prepared in some way to receive the gospel. We have also received many referrals. In the time that I have been serving here in Niceville we have found about 20 new investigators. That's about 1-2 per week, but somehow, through some miraculous way, we found ourselves at the end of the week with 9. I am still puzzled as to how we were so blessed to receive such a blessing from the Lord, but I have come to think of two ideas.
1. Your prayers in my behalf and the people I have been chosen to serve. Your love and care and worry for me has carried me more times than I could ever know. It's only now, as I look back on different parts of my mission do I see those blessings. Unique and powerful, each coming from unknown sources. I have made an unusual hypothesis. When a missionary first leaves his home he has usually found himself with rich blessings all around. This is because of ferverant prayer, both by himself and his family members. I remember some of the blessings that I received when I was on campus and in Ozark, AL. They came so powerfully and at the perfect timing. Then as the mission goes on those miracles slowly distance themselves. I think that is because when the missionary first leaves, his family has a void in it. The only thing they can do to fill the void is to pray. However, after a while, lets say six months, the void becomes common and the family adjusts themselves to it no longer relying heavily on prayer. So the missionary in the mission field is left without those blessings. Every missionary you will ever talk to goes through this time, regardless of who the missionary is. In our mission it is called the Black Hole. haha. It is a time when the blessings are not as common and when you 'feel' forgotten. This time usually lasts until about the missionary's 18th month mark, when everybody realizes that there missionary is in fact going to come home. They remember him and the remember to pray for him. That is where I am at right now. I have received some crazy blessings from unknown sources. These blessings can only compare to when I was on Campus. Don't think of this paragraph as criticism toward anyone, think of it as a funny human thing we do, because it happens to everyone.
2. Our new goal. We have a focus, a direction. If you don't have a goal, you will find yourself running around doing good things not getting anywhere. With out an end zone in football, or a goal in soccer, or a hoop in basketball, you will exhausted yourself without ever accomplishing anything. Elder Bell and I now have a goal. A big one. This is a goal that we cannot fulfill on our own. We cannot force anyone to be interested in the gospel. As much as we know, we know that everyone has there agency, the ability to choose. And if they don't choose this, there is nothing we can do. However, with every goal requires work. Elder Bell and I leave every morning with a purpose, to find as many people as we can. To talk and testify to as many people possible to give ourselves the best chance to receive our goal. As much as we try though, we cannot accomplish our goal without the Lords help. He is the gift giver and every blessing that will ever come to us will come by obedience. Its so hard to understand. No matter how hard I work, how much I study, how many times I try to convince someone that this is true, I, me myself and I, will never be able to accomplish my goal. Never. BUT, these are the only things I've been asked to do. I've been asked to work, to study, and to bear my testimony to everyone. I believe it is for two reasons. One, to build myself and my own conversion. I am pushing a rock that will never move, budge or flinch, but as I push I am getting stronger. Two, to please the Gift Giver. He is the one who will bless Elder Bell and I with people to teach. As I do the things that he asks me, he will bless me. Everything will be restored back to me.
I think that this is why we were able to find 9 new investigators. We have 20 more to go until we reach our goal, but I know we can to it.
I love all of you and thank you for your support. I got so many great letters for Christmas. Thank you.
Elder Call
Monday, January 3, 2011
Crazy Week
Hey Everyone,
This week was a crazy one. New Years came and went just like it did last year. We didn't do much last year, this year was a little bit better, but not much either. President Jensen told us to be inside our apartments by the usual time. 9-9:30. The youth were going to have a New Year's party and we wanted to take Seth Chabot with us so he could be with the youth. We took him, after a lot of convincing, and stayed for a little bit. We got there at about 8 and had to leave by 9:30. When we got to the Kokenes' home all the youth were just sitting and talking and the parents were too. We stayed for a little bit and talked with them. Seth brought a Fog Horn and set it off in the house. It was super loud. After a while Brother Kokenes announced that it was time for the Polar Bear swim. He asked us to go light the Fire, so when the youth got back they would be able to get warm. We did so, Seth stayed with us instead of going to the Polar Bear swim. We lit the fire and had it going before they came back. When all the youth were done and back Elder Bell and I gave them a short message. Then we had to go, because of our curfew. We took Seth home and went to our apartment. There we attempted to complete a puzzle before midnight. We failed, miserably. Oh well.
Nobody came to church this week. It was a rough one. We did have some great contacts this week though. We met Anne. She had lived in Montana, grew up around members, even went to early morning seminary, went to stake and ward dances and dated a Mormon boy all while she was in High School. There was however a missionary who did some inappropriate things and she turned away from the church. Now years later here in Niceville, she has had a fall out with the Methodist church and is looking for something else. Anne was a referral from her mother when we went tracting. Her mother wasn't interested, but said that we could go meet with her Daughter, Anne. When she was telling us about her Mormon past she also mentioned things like Temples, Mormons being Christians, the Word of Wisdom and boring Sacrament Meetings. She knew everything and what we expected. We gave her a Book of Mormon and She said we could come back. So that's the plan, but we have nothing for sure.
We also met with Rob. We went to meet the Parry's on Friday. While we were talking to them and getting to know them better they got a call from their friends. They were outside shooting off fireworks. We all went outside to be with them and met Rob. He asked us so many questions. Like what a mission is about and what we do. He asked little things like how we worship and why. He asked how he should start to investigate the church. He asked for a Book of Mormon. It was really cool. We were just answering his questions and he would come up with more and more. His wife is a little bit more skeptical because of her experience with Religion in the past, but Rob is really cool. We are going to work through the Parry's to help teach them more. I am really excited for Rob.
Karen is the last person we met with, but her story is sad. Remember how I told ya'll that she didn't want to meet with us until after the New Year's? Well, Saturday was the New Year and we went over to visit her. She laughed when she opened the door and saw us. We began to talk with her and she said that she had to tell us something that we wouldn't like. With a twinge in my heart we asked her what it was. She said that she couldn't get baptized. She said that she needed to stay with her Protestant roots and that she couldn't become a Mormon. She had the Book of Mormon ready to give back to us. It was really sad. However, there is hope. Karen said that we could still come over a meet with her. It's been a few days since we've talked with her, but I'm beginning to wonder if we went too fast with Karen. She also mentioned that she felt guilty when we would come over and help her or that the members were so nice to her at church. I'm not exactly sure what to do yet, but there is hope.
The Chabots aren't going anywhere right now. Which is really sad. We wanted to help them begin a family scripture study, but when we brought it up last time we were over there Sis Chabot looked at us like we slapped her. :( I don't know what's going on, but I know that little things are creeping up into their life. They haven't been to church for the last two weeks and over all only once in the last five. We are still trying to stay close, but when we asked Sis Chabot when we could have a lesson she said, "I don't know." If she doesn't know, I for sure don't know.
That's it for me in Niceville. I hope this week is going to be better than last week.
Elder Call
This week was a crazy one. New Years came and went just like it did last year. We didn't do much last year, this year was a little bit better, but not much either. President Jensen told us to be inside our apartments by the usual time. 9-9:30. The youth were going to have a New Year's party and we wanted to take Seth Chabot with us so he could be with the youth. We took him, after a lot of convincing, and stayed for a little bit. We got there at about 8 and had to leave by 9:30. When we got to the Kokenes' home all the youth were just sitting and talking and the parents were too. We stayed for a little bit and talked with them. Seth brought a Fog Horn and set it off in the house. It was super loud. After a while Brother Kokenes announced that it was time for the Polar Bear swim. He asked us to go light the Fire, so when the youth got back they would be able to get warm. We did so, Seth stayed with us instead of going to the Polar Bear swim. We lit the fire and had it going before they came back. When all the youth were done and back Elder Bell and I gave them a short message. Then we had to go, because of our curfew. We took Seth home and went to our apartment. There we attempted to complete a puzzle before midnight. We failed, miserably. Oh well.
Nobody came to church this week. It was a rough one. We did have some great contacts this week though. We met Anne. She had lived in Montana, grew up around members, even went to early morning seminary, went to stake and ward dances and dated a Mormon boy all while she was in High School. There was however a missionary who did some inappropriate things and she turned away from the church. Now years later here in Niceville, she has had a fall out with the Methodist church and is looking for something else. Anne was a referral from her mother when we went tracting. Her mother wasn't interested, but said that we could go meet with her Daughter, Anne. When she was telling us about her Mormon past she also mentioned things like Temples, Mormons being Christians, the Word of Wisdom and boring Sacrament Meetings. She knew everything and what we expected. We gave her a Book of Mormon and She said we could come back. So that's the plan, but we have nothing for sure.
We also met with Rob. We went to meet the Parry's on Friday. While we were talking to them and getting to know them better they got a call from their friends. They were outside shooting off fireworks. We all went outside to be with them and met Rob. He asked us so many questions. Like what a mission is about and what we do. He asked little things like how we worship and why. He asked how he should start to investigate the church. He asked for a Book of Mormon. It was really cool. We were just answering his questions and he would come up with more and more. His wife is a little bit more skeptical because of her experience with Religion in the past, but Rob is really cool. We are going to work through the Parry's to help teach them more. I am really excited for Rob.
Karen is the last person we met with, but her story is sad. Remember how I told ya'll that she didn't want to meet with us until after the New Year's? Well, Saturday was the New Year and we went over to visit her. She laughed when she opened the door and saw us. We began to talk with her and she said that she had to tell us something that we wouldn't like. With a twinge in my heart we asked her what it was. She said that she couldn't get baptized. She said that she needed to stay with her Protestant roots and that she couldn't become a Mormon. She had the Book of Mormon ready to give back to us. It was really sad. However, there is hope. Karen said that we could still come over a meet with her. It's been a few days since we've talked with her, but I'm beginning to wonder if we went too fast with Karen. She also mentioned that she felt guilty when we would come over and help her or that the members were so nice to her at church. I'm not exactly sure what to do yet, but there is hope.
The Chabots aren't going anywhere right now. Which is really sad. We wanted to help them begin a family scripture study, but when we brought it up last time we were over there Sis Chabot looked at us like we slapped her. :( I don't know what's going on, but I know that little things are creeping up into their life. They haven't been to church for the last two weeks and over all only once in the last five. We are still trying to stay close, but when we asked Sis Chabot when we could have a lesson she said, "I don't know." If she doesn't know, I for sure don't know.
That's it for me in Niceville. I hope this week is going to be better than last week.
Elder Call
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