Hey Ya'll,
I had the wonderful opportunity to talk to a great family this week. A family who is very supportive of each other and they are willing to forgive each other of their weaknesses. ;) I love this family and their drive to do good continually. To be the best that they can be always, so that they can feel His spirit always. I love my family. Thank you for answering the phone when I called (I forgot to tell them).
Christmas was a great time. The day after Christmas was better. We had a great morning filled with eggs, bacon, cinnamon rolls, Christmas movies, capture the chalk (we had no flags) and laughter felt by everyone. We had our investigators Junior, Legina, Lenora, Jessica and all of their family (about 22 people) over at Sis Carter's home for an after Christmas party. Elder Brian and I provided ALL of the food, games and presents. It was great to see their faces when we knocked on their door that morning to invite them to walk with us. When they saw the food that we had for them and the gifts we had for their children.
After a hearty breakfast made by Elder Brian and Sis Carter, we took the kids outside to play. The Lord was on our side and it was a beautiful day to be outside. Sunshine and 70 degrees. The kids began to play steal the flag. No one knew how to play, so I had to teach them. After a disastrous first try, they played again. The parents, Junior and Legina, decided to play this time. The game went much longer and much more organized as the adults attempted to out scheme(SP?) each other. It was great to watch them play and enjoy some time outside.
After all was said and done it was time to go home. We walked them home and said our goodbyes. We had to walk back with Sis Carter to help her clean her home. We finished and sat on the couch exhausted from our work. We were talking to Sis Carter when the phone rang. It was her son. He was going to come by and pick up a few items he had left and to say hi to her. Background on her son, they don't have a good relationship, if they even have a relationship. Either way Elder Brian and I congratulated her on receiving a tender mercy from the Lord and a blessing for helping another family. She didn't see it as such. "He isn't coming for me, it’s just for his stuff." A little confused at how someone could turn away from a tender mercy, the phone rang again. It was her son, he didn't like the idea of only staying for a small moment, so he said he wasn't coming, but that he would come tomorrow and see her for an hour or so. Again Elder Brian and I tried to show her that her tender mercy just got bigger. She didn't think so, "He's not coming for me, he has to work and is just going to say Hi." I couldn't believe it. There was a blessing looking at her in the face, jumping up and down, yelling "look at me!" and she didn't even notice it. I don't know what she was expecting. If Jesus Christ came down and said "I'm here to heal your sins and forgive you," she might say "No, you're just here because you have to be." I hope and pray that I'm not like that, I hope and pray that none of you are like that.
It's so sad that she couldn't see the blessings in her life. She could only see the bad. She says she believes in Christ, she reads her scriptures, goes to church, fulfills her calling, but she won't let the Enabling Power of the Atonement come into her life. She won't let herself be healed and its sad to see it.
But other than that my week has been great!! It’s the New Year, which means next Christmas I'll only have 6 months. Weird. Time flies when you're having fun, right? I love you all and hope you have a happy safe New Year. Try to come up with a new goal for the year, mine is to finish the Bible. Couple chapters a day and I'll have it in the bag. haha
Love Elder Call
Elder Call
Off to the MTC
Monday, December 28, 2009
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Hey everyone,
What to write about, what to write about? I'm not really sure. This week just seemed like a normal week. We worked hard, found new people to teach, kept working with the investigators we have, and I did a baptismal interview for the Zone Leaders investigator. All in all there was nothing out of the ordinary to really get excited about.
OH! So it’s not really that exciting, but it is news. I just finished the Pearl of Great Price. Not to brag or anything, but I've finished both the Doctrine and Covenants and Pearl of Great Price. They are such good books. I'm glad that I read them, and really glad that I didn't read them before now. There is no way I would have been able to understand all of it. There is so much in just the books of Moses and Abraham alone it astounds me. The reason I don't brag about finishing it is because I'm about to start the Old Testament. Yeah, the beast is about to be slain. The only problem is that this is a really big beast. I don't want to take up all of my time, so I created a plan to slowly wear(SP?) him down. I am going to read a little bit each day, so I can still have an effective study on the gospel with the time left over. With this plan I have devised, it will take me till next Christmas to finish. Yeah, a full year until I can say, 'I have slain the Beast!'
We have been working with Legina, Junior and Lenora a lot lately. We're trying to help them get ready for Christmas, we're trying to help them get ready for baptism, and they're the only ones left in Ozark or Ft. Rucker for Christmas. The rest say they don't have time, or they are no longer here, but have gone home for Christmas. So all of our attention as been focused on them. The ward members are great and have been helping us out a lot to help them. One member family is getting rid of their couches and giving it to them. Others have purchased gifts and have helped us out when they come to church. There are some really good members here in Ozark and Ft Rucker.
I'm really excited for Christmas, but I'm more excited for all the service opportunities that have come up. We have taken a break on teaching (not really, it’s just not our focus) and have been looking for ways to help our investigators, members, less actives and anyone else we know. We spent all day making sugar cookies with a less active family. It was so much fun. They youngest boy was six and this was his first time making cookies. Sad, but he really loved it and wanted to help anyway possible. I have some good pictures of them.
Our Zone Conference was last week. It is crazy how fast it came up. This transfer and last transfer have been cruising by. We talked a lot about Eternal Life in zone conference. I won't go into detail, because it is very sacred, but just know this; One of the questions brought up was, 'Why do I want to work for it now, when I can obtain it in the next life?' and 'Does a body have anything to do with it?' Progression is eternal and never ending, but the reason we want to work for Eternal Life now, is so that we can have Eternal Life now. If you have a Preach My Gospel, look up 'Spirit' and you'll know what I'm talking about.
I love ya'll and am so glad I get to speak (indirectly) to ya'll every week.
Have a very Merry Christmas, and try to remember your favorite Christmas present and why it was your favorite.
Elder Call
What to write about, what to write about? I'm not really sure. This week just seemed like a normal week. We worked hard, found new people to teach, kept working with the investigators we have, and I did a baptismal interview for the Zone Leaders investigator. All in all there was nothing out of the ordinary to really get excited about.
OH! So it’s not really that exciting, but it is news. I just finished the Pearl of Great Price. Not to brag or anything, but I've finished both the Doctrine and Covenants and Pearl of Great Price. They are such good books. I'm glad that I read them, and really glad that I didn't read them before now. There is no way I would have been able to understand all of it. There is so much in just the books of Moses and Abraham alone it astounds me. The reason I don't brag about finishing it is because I'm about to start the Old Testament. Yeah, the beast is about to be slain. The only problem is that this is a really big beast. I don't want to take up all of my time, so I created a plan to slowly wear(SP?) him down. I am going to read a little bit each day, so I can still have an effective study on the gospel with the time left over. With this plan I have devised, it will take me till next Christmas to finish. Yeah, a full year until I can say, 'I have slain the Beast!'
We have been working with Legina, Junior and Lenora a lot lately. We're trying to help them get ready for Christmas, we're trying to help them get ready for baptism, and they're the only ones left in Ozark or Ft. Rucker for Christmas. The rest say they don't have time, or they are no longer here, but have gone home for Christmas. So all of our attention as been focused on them. The ward members are great and have been helping us out a lot to help them. One member family is getting rid of their couches and giving it to them. Others have purchased gifts and have helped us out when they come to church. There are some really good members here in Ozark and Ft Rucker.
I'm really excited for Christmas, but I'm more excited for all the service opportunities that have come up. We have taken a break on teaching (not really, it’s just not our focus) and have been looking for ways to help our investigators, members, less actives and anyone else we know. We spent all day making sugar cookies with a less active family. It was so much fun. They youngest boy was six and this was his first time making cookies. Sad, but he really loved it and wanted to help anyway possible. I have some good pictures of them.
Our Zone Conference was last week. It is crazy how fast it came up. This transfer and last transfer have been cruising by. We talked a lot about Eternal Life in zone conference. I won't go into detail, because it is very sacred, but just know this; One of the questions brought up was, 'Why do I want to work for it now, when I can obtain it in the next life?' and 'Does a body have anything to do with it?' Progression is eternal and never ending, but the reason we want to work for Eternal Life now, is so that we can have Eternal Life now. If you have a Preach My Gospel, look up 'Spirit' and you'll know what I'm talking about.
I love ya'll and am so glad I get to speak (indirectly) to ya'll every week.
Have a very Merry Christmas, and try to remember your favorite Christmas present and why it was your favorite.
Elder Call
Monday, December 14, 2009
Wonderful Weekend!
Hey Ya'll,
Before I begin with my wonderful weekend, I want to thank you for the letters I have been receiving. I got the package with the Christmas tree and all the other goodies, I got one from the Swensons (I got to open the first present today, animal crackers yum!), I got the letter from the Smiths, The Renshaws, Megan, Shannon, Mom and Dad, and of course the Grandparents. I love getting letters. It’s so much fun to open a letter.
I'm starting to miss the snow more and more. Not because I want a white Christmas, but because it’s been raining for the last three days and we have had this nasty fog for the last two days. That kind that just sits there, but it’s not cold enough to snow. It's insane. You can almost cut the air its so thick. Breathing it is ridiculous. Stand next to a humidifier(sp?) and just breathe it in for a while. That’s what it feels like here.
So this weekend was crazy, but awesome. Saturday we spent three hours in the morning raking leaves for Lenora, our investigator. We had come over twice before to try and get it all, but were unsuccessful. So this time we stayed until it was all done. Her yard was huge and covered in leaves. Some parts had about two inches of leaves. Raking wouldn't have been so bad if it didn't rain the entire time! For the whole three hours it rained. We were soaked to the bone, but it was fun to watch the kids open the door and say hi to us.
Later that day was the Metcalf's baptism. Skylar, Matthew and Emma all got baptized by Elder Brian. Their father was supposed to do it, but he didn't meet all the requirements with the bishop. There was a great spirit there and I hope that they continue on 'the path'. After the baptism was the ward Christmas party. There was so much food and desert and candy. There was even a Christmas program. We got to go around and say hi to everyone. Our investigator Cassie even brought her friend Heather to the party. It was fun.
Sunday was the crazy day. We drove to PEC in the rain, but that wasn't bad at all. After the meeting it was time to start church. We walked outside and there was a downpour of rain. Remember the video I took of the rain in Florida? This was worse, and we had to help members make it into the building trying to keep them dry. We went and got our umbrellas and went out and met members in their cars so that we could walk with them to the building to try and keep them dry.
It was fun and the members were thankful. By the time we were done, Elder Brian and I were soaked. It didn't matter that we had umbrellas, the rain found us anyway. We ran home and change into some dry clothes before gospel principles started.
Sacrament was my favorite part and the one I want to end on. The Metcalf kids were going to receive the Holy Ghost. I was the one who was asked to confirm them a member and give them the Holy Ghost. It was a sweet feeling, but a different one for each child. It was the same Holy Ghost, but because each child was different their prayers were different. I could feel the love that Heavenly Father had for them. I could feel many more things, but the important part is that the child who was the most ready, the most willing and the most eager to hear, listen and follow the blessing, was the one I felt the most. Because she was ready, she received more. Because she wanted more, she received more. Those who prepare themselves receive more. If you prepare yourself for the sacrament, you receive more. If you prepare yourself for a fathers blessing, you receive more. If you prepare yourself for a talk, you receive more. If you prepare yourself for conference, you receive more. Anything you do in this life to prepare yourself to receive God's word, will bring more promised blessings than any other source. Prepare yourself when you study the scripture, when you study for school or even work. If you prepare yourself to learn by praying in Faith, he will quicken your mind and show you things that will confound the wise and humble the proud. No other way will bring you closer to God than to prepare yourself for what He has to say. Captain Moroni was the best at this. Joseph Smith needed a little extra help. Even Jesus Christ spent a considerable amount of time preparing for his journey, including fasting for 40 days and 40 nights. Preparation brings an increase in blessings. Skylar Metcalf was prepared, and because she was prepared, I could feel a strength in love and blessings that Heavenly Father had for her. It was real and I witnessed it.
I love you all and pray that this Christmas season you will lose yourself in helping someone else. If you don't know where to begin, start with your family. There will be no regrets when someone shares a pure heartfelt testimony in the home.
Love Elder Call
Before I begin with my wonderful weekend, I want to thank you for the letters I have been receiving. I got the package with the Christmas tree and all the other goodies, I got one from the Swensons (I got to open the first present today, animal crackers yum!), I got the letter from the Smiths, The Renshaws, Megan, Shannon, Mom and Dad, and of course the Grandparents. I love getting letters. It’s so much fun to open a letter.
I'm starting to miss the snow more and more. Not because I want a white Christmas, but because it’s been raining for the last three days and we have had this nasty fog for the last two days. That kind that just sits there, but it’s not cold enough to snow. It's insane. You can almost cut the air its so thick. Breathing it is ridiculous. Stand next to a humidifier(sp?) and just breathe it in for a while. That’s what it feels like here.
So this weekend was crazy, but awesome. Saturday we spent three hours in the morning raking leaves for Lenora, our investigator. We had come over twice before to try and get it all, but were unsuccessful. So this time we stayed until it was all done. Her yard was huge and covered in leaves. Some parts had about two inches of leaves. Raking wouldn't have been so bad if it didn't rain the entire time! For the whole three hours it rained. We were soaked to the bone, but it was fun to watch the kids open the door and say hi to us.
Later that day was the Metcalf's baptism. Skylar, Matthew and Emma all got baptized by Elder Brian. Their father was supposed to do it, but he didn't meet all the requirements with the bishop. There was a great spirit there and I hope that they continue on 'the path'. After the baptism was the ward Christmas party. There was so much food and desert and candy. There was even a Christmas program. We got to go around and say hi to everyone. Our investigator Cassie even brought her friend Heather to the party. It was fun.
Sunday was the crazy day. We drove to PEC in the rain, but that wasn't bad at all. After the meeting it was time to start church. We walked outside and there was a downpour of rain. Remember the video I took of the rain in Florida? This was worse, and we had to help members make it into the building trying to keep them dry. We went and got our umbrellas and went out and met members in their cars so that we could walk with them to the building to try and keep them dry.
It was fun and the members were thankful. By the time we were done, Elder Brian and I were soaked. It didn't matter that we had umbrellas, the rain found us anyway. We ran home and change into some dry clothes before gospel principles started.
Sacrament was my favorite part and the one I want to end on. The Metcalf kids were going to receive the Holy Ghost. I was the one who was asked to confirm them a member and give them the Holy Ghost. It was a sweet feeling, but a different one for each child. It was the same Holy Ghost, but because each child was different their prayers were different. I could feel the love that Heavenly Father had for them. I could feel many more things, but the important part is that the child who was the most ready, the most willing and the most eager to hear, listen and follow the blessing, was the one I felt the most. Because she was ready, she received more. Because she wanted more, she received more. Those who prepare themselves receive more. If you prepare yourself for the sacrament, you receive more. If you prepare yourself for a fathers blessing, you receive more. If you prepare yourself for a talk, you receive more. If you prepare yourself for conference, you receive more. Anything you do in this life to prepare yourself to receive God's word, will bring more promised blessings than any other source. Prepare yourself when you study the scripture, when you study for school or even work. If you prepare yourself to learn by praying in Faith, he will quicken your mind and show you things that will confound the wise and humble the proud. No other way will bring you closer to God than to prepare yourself for what He has to say. Captain Moroni was the best at this. Joseph Smith needed a little extra help. Even Jesus Christ spent a considerable amount of time preparing for his journey, including fasting for 40 days and 40 nights. Preparation brings an increase in blessings. Skylar Metcalf was prepared, and because she was prepared, I could feel a strength in love and blessings that Heavenly Father had for her. It was real and I witnessed it.
I love you all and pray that this Christmas season you will lose yourself in helping someone else. If you don't know where to begin, start with your family. There will be no regrets when someone shares a pure heartfelt testimony in the home.
Love Elder Call
Monday, December 7, 2009
Hey Ya'll,
Another transfer has gone by. Can you believe it? It seems like yesterday I was finding out I was coming to Ozark, AL. This transfer has flown by. Faster than any other transfer. This week especially.
On Tuesday after District Meeting in Enterprise, I went on a trade-off with Elder Tolley to Andalusia. It was a long hour drive from Enterprise to Andalusia, but it was fun to talk to Elder Tolley. He's from Sandy and went to Alta two years before I did. Well, graduated two years before I did. We talked about different things, but the coolest was that he liked soccer. It made conversations easy because we would talk about what we did in high school and how soccer was before we left. He left right after the Euro Cup ended. It seems like that was so far away.
We had a semi productive day. It was hard to tract in the rain. We were soaking wet when it was time to come in for the day, but we had fun working hard. Elder Tolley is a great missionary. I learned a lot from him, like slowing down when I'm talking to someone or sharing a message with someone. I usually try to 'force feed' someone the gospel on the doorstep. Not only is this the wrong way, it is hard for them to come to know for themselves. God gave us agency, they should be able to use it to accept or deny the message. Also, its just a waste of time if they were planning on rejecting us from the beginning.
We traded back late Wednesday evening in Enterprise. It was good to be with Elder Tolley, but I was ready to go back with Elder Brian in Ozark. The next day was our planning day and the day after that we had another trade-off with the Zone Leaders. I went to the North side of Ozark with Elder Thompson. He's from Nampa Idaho. It was great as we talked about many different things. Including a less active lady who tried to persuade us that gambling was ok, as long as there was no alcohol. It was funny. She had talked to some other Elders who told her that she could go play bingo, because it was a good social event and if there was nothing bad there, like alcohol. Well she took it to a whole new level thinking that all gambling was ok, if there was no alcohol. We laughed for a while after that. Elder Thompson was great. I learned that love is the only way to compel someone to trust you. If they feel that they are loved, they will share with you their feelings, they will share with you their concerns and they will want to read and pray because they know you won't lead them astray. Elder Thompson declared his love for a couple who were going through some hard times and we had just asked them to pay tithing. It was really cool to see their eyes light up and their countenance soften and comforted as he bore witness of his love. It was great.
This next transfer is going to be tough though. My first Christmas away from home. Tim's last, lucky. I am however, really excited about the Christmas season. People are happier, more cheerful, they want to love their families more and are looking for something to hold on to as the New Years comes around. I'm really excited about some of our investigators and I feel they will progress more during this Christmas season.
I love ya'll and pray for you too. Keep the spirit of Christmas close to you
during the joyful season.
Elder Call
Another transfer has gone by. Can you believe it? It seems like yesterday I was finding out I was coming to Ozark, AL. This transfer has flown by. Faster than any other transfer. This week especially.
On Tuesday after District Meeting in Enterprise, I went on a trade-off with Elder Tolley to Andalusia. It was a long hour drive from Enterprise to Andalusia, but it was fun to talk to Elder Tolley. He's from Sandy and went to Alta two years before I did. Well, graduated two years before I did. We talked about different things, but the coolest was that he liked soccer. It made conversations easy because we would talk about what we did in high school and how soccer was before we left. He left right after the Euro Cup ended. It seems like that was so far away.
We had a semi productive day. It was hard to tract in the rain. We were soaking wet when it was time to come in for the day, but we had fun working hard. Elder Tolley is a great missionary. I learned a lot from him, like slowing down when I'm talking to someone or sharing a message with someone. I usually try to 'force feed' someone the gospel on the doorstep. Not only is this the wrong way, it is hard for them to come to know for themselves. God gave us agency, they should be able to use it to accept or deny the message. Also, its just a waste of time if they were planning on rejecting us from the beginning.
We traded back late Wednesday evening in Enterprise. It was good to be with Elder Tolley, but I was ready to go back with Elder Brian in Ozark. The next day was our planning day and the day after that we had another trade-off with the Zone Leaders. I went to the North side of Ozark with Elder Thompson. He's from Nampa Idaho. It was great as we talked about many different things. Including a less active lady who tried to persuade us that gambling was ok, as long as there was no alcohol. It was funny. She had talked to some other Elders who told her that she could go play bingo, because it was a good social event and if there was nothing bad there, like alcohol. Well she took it to a whole new level thinking that all gambling was ok, if there was no alcohol. We laughed for a while after that. Elder Thompson was great. I learned that love is the only way to compel someone to trust you. If they feel that they are loved, they will share with you their feelings, they will share with you their concerns and they will want to read and pray because they know you won't lead them astray. Elder Thompson declared his love for a couple who were going through some hard times and we had just asked them to pay tithing. It was really cool to see their eyes light up and their countenance soften and comforted as he bore witness of his love. It was great.
This next transfer is going to be tough though. My first Christmas away from home. Tim's last, lucky. I am however, really excited about the Christmas season. People are happier, more cheerful, they want to love their families more and are looking for something to hold on to as the New Years comes around. I'm really excited about some of our investigators and I feel they will progress more during this Christmas season.
I love ya'll and pray for you too. Keep the spirit of Christmas close to you
during the joyful season.
Elder Call
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